Everyone always says, “People are too focused on theirselves to remember others embarrassing moments” but it’s not true for me.

My friends bring up embarassing things I’ve done pretty often, it’s okay sometimes but it gets me pretty uncomfortable when they do that infront of a group.

Once my shoes were all wet and muddy, so my stepmom said I could borrow hers, so I brought them to school but everyone teased me for it. “What are you wearing?” I kept getting comments, I thought the shoes were cute but I guess not, and my friends still bring it up, like a year later!

A few days ago I was swinging on a chair in class and I fell, I couldn’t get up for a while because all air was pushed out and I hit my back. It was pretty embarrassing having the whole class laugh at me, I just laughed along eventually and decided to just forget about it. One of my best friends wouldn’t stop bringing it up, ALL DAY. It’s probably not a big deal but she told everyone “Haha, yeah remember when OP fell backwards on her chair earlier? Hahah” I don’t understand why she needed to remind everyone, it was okay one time but she still mentions it even though it happened like two days ago.

I feel so awful when people bring up stuff like that, especially with a lot of people like I said, how do I make them stop without telling them outright?

1 comment
  1. The best way is to tell them outright and speak to them individually about it at a later time not at the moment.

    But if you don’t want to tell them you can just respond with an embarrassing moment of theirs e.g if John says : remember when xxx happened; you can reply like: well it wasn’t as bad as when you had xxx.

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