With all these ufo stuff going on, how would you react if your partner is actually an alien in disguise?

  1. I mean that’s pretty cool if they were. I curious see new tech or a new world etc.

    As long as she still looks like the beautiful woman I married I’m chill

  2. 1) Is she a shape shifting alien?

    2) If so, can she create clothes as well, or do I need to order the Scarlet Witch costume separately?

  3. I would be pissed that they did not tell me since I’m super interested in space and aliens and stuff like that. Once they tell me I would love it since I could possibly go explore space.

  4. I mean the confirmation that there are aliens infiltrating human society to this degree would freak me out so I probably wouldn’t take this well.

  5. Well unless the alien species looks like humans, she’d be using some kind of body morphing tech, so I’d ask a few questions about her species and then ask if she’s DTF in her true form and get to it 🤝

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised. She jokes about it, about how her planet is much better than ours, and about how disgusting sweating is.

    I’ve been telling her for years that she needs to take me with her when the mothership comes to take her away. She says she will try, although I might have to accept being treated as an exotic animal.

    I’ve also told her that sweating, AKA liquid cooling, is a peak evolutionary adaptation for this planet.

  7. Sounds weird maybe but I’m more in fear of them being a robot. Awhile back at work was wondering if I’d know? Like if a strange customer came in. Would I know if they were a robot? If you spend any length of time with someone though probably you’ll figure it out eventually.

  8. I would be pissed. Not about her being an alien but if she in any way could make our lives better because of it and didn’t, that would really piss me off.

  9. Haha, that would be quite a twist! Honestly, if my partner turned out to be an alien in disguise, I would probably be both intrigued and a little freaked out. It’s not every day you find out your significant other is from another planet. I guess I would have a lot of questions and need some time to process it all. But hey, who knows, maybe dating an alien could be a wild and exciting adventure!

  10. Married for a long time with kids not sure anything really changes.. I guess more to talk about.

  11. What UFO stuff?

    Are you one of those special people who somehow think UFO means visitors from outer space?

  12. I would immediately commend her on commiting to her disguise so much that she birthed a human child. Then I’d ask what’s going to happen once our kid goes through puberty regarding weird alien shit

  13. Are we talking tenticle alien or are we talking shape shifting alien? Cause I’ve got some ideas.

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