Idk why, but each time i compliment someone, they just insult me. I’ll say “good job”, they say crap like “sleep with one eye open, bitch”. I ask for help, they say “don’t care”. If I insult them back, all their friends come in to defend them. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong?

  1. Tell them you mean it and have a reason why. The compliment will likely register more if they hear what made you notice and appreciate something.

  2. Most people I’ve found reciprocate well with compliments, but some people for some reason don’t, eg. they might not be used to having people genuinely compliment them. I can’t speak for everyone, but one of my friends was rude whenever I complimented him, but I kept being nice and telling him good job when he did a good job, and now he is a lot nicer about it now that he realized I’m just trying to be nice. But sometimes people will just be jerks no matter what you try, this person might be one of them.

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