Can a woman who’s never going to be pregnant, somehow produce milk with her breasts? If so, how and why?!

  1. yes. you just need to get your body to produce the right hormones. you can accomplish this with certain medication or by physically inducing lactation. when a woman becomes pregnant she begins producing hormones that induce lactation, or her body knows shes supposed to be lactating when she tries to breastfeed and begins producing hormones. these can be induced artificially.

  2. I have a few friends who adopted and began preparations to nurse their babies months ahead of time. It’s possible, but I know two of them had to do a LOT to make it work.

  3. Absolutely. If there is demand (stimulation, suction, baby noises), you can induce lactation in a woman.

  4. Yes, it’s called galactorrhea. Some medications can do it. Sometimes extensive nipple play can do it. Sometimes a brain tumor can do it. Also notably, women can produce a white substance that coats the milk ducts when not in use. This can be expressed sometimes.

    No matter what, if you are lactating when you’re not supposed to be, check in with a doc as the chances are that it’s benign, but there are some more serious causes for it that should be ruled out.

  5. We sure can! My old birth control pill worked so well that I produced milk. I went to the doctor because I was trying to figure out what happened. Basically my body thought it was pregnant (that pill did what it’s job was for). I had all of the great side effects: I was glowing and was really horny, and made milk. It was so cool!

  6. yeah i tried to induced it once with physical stimulation after a week i was noticing my breast getting slighty more swollen

    my bf was excited but….

    nobody told me this would kill my sex drive, i had litterally no libido and then i googled it and yes inducing lactation can have a negativ inpact on a womans sex drive

    we stoppted it because we saw no point in only him getting excited for it, he also wanted me to have fun, well that sucked

  7. You might be surprised to know that a woman doesn’t have to be pregnant or planning to have kids to produce breast milk. It’s all about a hormone called prolactin. If the right hormonal signals are present, her body can make milk.

    A few things can trigger milk production in women without plans for pregnancy. Sometimes, it’s due to a hormonal imbalance. Other times, certain medications or regular breast stimulation can do the trick.

    Some women intentionally stimulate milk production. For example, if they’re adopting a baby or acting as a surrogate, they might want to provide breast milk for the infant’s nutrition. Others might do it for emotional reasons, like nurturing or comfort nursing.

    However, keep in mind that this milk may not be as nutritionally complete as what’s produced during pregnancy. If a woman experiences this or wants to make it happen, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional, as there can be health considerations and potential side effects.

  8. Yes it’s technically possible. But I think it should be emphasized that it can be a very time consuming and expensive process. There are certain medications that can be prescribed to induce lactation. There is one couple in particular who I follow on social media who did reciprocal IVF and the woman who didn’t carry the babies was able to successfully induce lactation, but she was on said medication and pumped A LOT before the babies arrived to build up a supply. There are other content creators that have attempted something similar and were unsuccessful. There are also plenty of women who have been pregnant that still struggle with lactation and producing enough milk. So again, it is not easy or a guarantee even if it is technically possible.

  9. As a mother of 6 who were all breast fed and an OB nurse (in the past) who taught breast feeding for new mothers and helped them get started and mothers who were struggling to breastfeed or produce enough milk –

    Is it possible?


    Is it incredibly difficult, time consuming, frustrating and discouraging?

    Yes again.

    Women who have just given birth and are desperate to breastfeed can still struggle incredibly with it. Starting waaaaaay behind the 8 ball (so to speak) would be almost insurmountable.

    Just google new mothers trying to breastfeed and see how many women (who just had a baby and their body is all set up hormonally for it) still struggle greatly with this.

    Just know that going in.

  10. I dated a woman for a couple of years. She loved – no – LOVED – having her nipples sucked, bitten and breasts squeezed. First woman I had been with like this. The longer and harder I sucked the more milk she would yield. Can’t say that I enjoyed the milk, but I loved her breasts.

  11. TBH, just trick ur body into making the hormones u need. Certain meds or physical stimulation can get u there. If ur preggerz or breastfeeding, ur body knows what’s up and gets those hormones going. U can also synthetically induce this.

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