He’s even the one that I consulted when things got tough with her and he gave me the “advice” that ended up ruining things with her..

Now I’m thinking that advice was intentionally designed to ruin my relationship..

why would he do this.. he ALREADY has a long-term GF too! And he knows I still have both of my ex and his GF’s contact too

I’m really hurt It’s late at night here and idk how to cope or who to talk to.. any words of advice would be appreciated

  1. Because he’s a piece of shit and doesn’t respect you. Move on and keep him away from your life.

  2. Not a real friend. Maybe he’s jealous of you and insecure. He wants what you have. Your ex and your best friend are in the wrong. He has a lot of maturing to do. Just keep in mind you deserve so much better. Better friends and better girls will come along. Remind yourself of your worth and let these toxic people go. You don’t need their negative impact and influence!

  3. If he’s cheating on his gf and you have proof, you should tell her.

  4. Your best friend and your ex are both scum and deserve each other. Let his girlfriend know she has a right to know.

  5. Makes me wonder if they were sleeping together even before you guys broke up.

  6. Cut them both out of your life. They are crap people.

    Let his current girl know the situation. You wish someone had told you. Give her the ability to choose.

  7. “Why would he do this”

    Because it’s likely it’s been happening for sometime, wouldn’t be all that surprising if it overlapped during your relationship together.

    Either way he’s a shit friend, do yourself a favor and forward his girlfriend the proof and block his number. Whether it happened while you dated one another doesn’t matter, since he would be betraying your trust in either scenario.

  8. “Who to talk to” his girlfriend. You guys should come up with a plan to put your “best friend” on blast because that’s not something a friend does

  9. Found out my ~~best friend~~ sworn enemy and rival of 5 years has been sleeping with my ex repeatedly for a year right after we broke up

  10. You should definitely tell the gf

    This friend of yours is not a friend

    You deserve better

  11. Your theory is sound. It may have been calculated and if in understanding right he is cheating on another girl with your ex? The girl deserves to know and while it’s not about being vindictive there is a little bit of payback involved.

  12. Text his girl, then text him saying “have fun explaining this to x”

  13. Reading this made me think of genie in Aladdin singing “you ain’t never had a friend like me”

    I truly hope you have never had a friend like him before.

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