Just wondering. Everyone who has a free email gets spam, but does it extend to all these other ways too ?

  1. Spam calls, yes. Texts, occasionally. I don’t use WhatsApp and I have no idea what telegram is, unless you mean the old singing kind

  2. I have my phone set to not get notifs for spam, but I just checked & I’ve received at least 1 spam call and 1 spam text today.

  3. I got a company phone when I was on a temporary relocation for work. I ended up keeping that number (with area code from the state I was temporarily in) once I left that company. It’s great as a spam filter because I pretty much know zero people from that state, so when I get spam calls and they spoof my area code I know it isn’t anyone I need to talk to.

  4. I occasionally get spam calls. But I basically never answer my phone if I don’t have the callers number saved in my contacts, unless I’m expecting a call from a potentially unknown number. I’m in my 40s and spam calls have been a thing as long as I can remember.

    I get a consistent stream of phishy SMS messages out of the blue from unknown numbers that say things like “How have you been? My friend”, “Hi Peter (not my name), it’s Mia, we got in touch a few days ago, do you remember me?”, “Hello”…that’s it, that’s the message, “Hi, I have your number on [sic] my phone but not your name. I’m Millie. Do we know each other?” I assume these are trying to get me to engage and then somehow click a link that will do something I don’t want it to do and/or get identifying information some other way. Those 4 messages go back to July 21st. So 1 message every 2-3 weeks? I also occasionally get messages asking me to click a link to register to get paid for putting a logo on my car once every few months. Earlier I said spam calls have been around for ever, SMS messages relatively new to me though (last couple of years.)

    I don’t use Telegram.

    On WhatsApp specifically I get added to huge group chats once every couple of months with words and phrases in their names like “Wealth Club” and “Investment Exchange” or something about crypto. I don’t pay super close attention, but it seems to be people trying to get you to sign up for their “investing classes” or pay to join their private channel where they give the *real* tips.

  5. Honestly I might have gotten a few texts over the last 5 years that were spam. Calls well I switched from iphone to a google pixel 2 years ago and my spam calls became near non existent. I might get one a month. Now back when I had a company phone for years (also an iphone) 4-5 spam calls a day. It was infuriating. I spent so much time on the road fucking with those assholes.

  6. Ever since I set up my phone to be Do Not Disturb except Contacts the number of spam calls have lowered. I still see a notification but no ringing. It use to be 5 to 7 a day now it’s about 2 a week. If it’s important enough and I don’t know their number they can email or text me. It only died down when I stopped responding

  7. Occasionally. The phone calls seem to come in waves, I’ll get them a few days in a row and then nothing for awhile. On average maybe a couple per month? SMS is more rare, but I do get some. Maybe a few a year? I haven’t heard of telegram. I’ve gotten a few on WhatsApp, usually a mass text offering a class to learn how to make big money with crypto. I got WhatsApp 2 years ago and I think I’ve gotten 2 or 3 scam messages through it, so pretty rare.

  8. Not on my phone, but the phone at work is constantly going off with scam calls. I’ve taken to talking to them as Hank Hill

  9. I don’t use WhatsApp or Telegram. I get a lot of spam Smash but they go to my spam filter automatically (Android FTW). Spam calls have become less common.

  10. It’s probably been years since I got a spam call or text. I get maybe one or two spam emails a week.

  11. I go through cycles with spam calls and texts. For months at a time I’ll get three spam calls and five spam texts a day. (My phone identifies 99% of them as “suspected spam” anyway so it’s not such a huge problem, but it’s certainly annoying.)

    Then months will go by and I hardly get any calls or texts.

    I am not on facebook nearly as frequently as I used to be, but when I did use it regularly I turned off the messenger feature and never used it at all. I got 50+ spam messages a day. It was completely unusable. I also get almost that many spam friend requests per day.

  12. Hasn’t been too bad until just the last 10 days so or, and suddenly I’m getting spam texts several times a day. 95% of them just say “Hello!” or similar, a few are “How are you doing?” They’re getting caught by my filter so just show up as spam, but I went from many one a month to several per day very suddenly.

    I use Whatsapp for video calls within my immediate family, so have never heard it ring unless it’s one of us. No spam.

  13. I don’t use telegram or whatsapp. Whatsapp just isn’t very popular here and telegram is more often used for very ethically questionable purposes from my understanding.

    As far as calls and SMS go, i did get a lot of spam, especially when looking for cheaper car insurance, when i got my mortgage, or other things where companies misuse people’s private info for their own benefit. But i have a blacklist app that doesn’t let any messages or calls through unless the numbers already in my address book so that took care of that.

  14. When I am forced to use WhatsApp, yes, tons of spam. I only use it when absolutely required, though… awful app.

  15. Most of us do not use Telegram or WhatsApp. Getting Texts from anyone I do not know results in blocking most of the time. So spam there is rare. Spam calls happen, but I screen my calls.

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