Maybe my 3 friends don’t mean to do it but I’m the last outta the 4 of us to not be married or children and they’re sending each other baby photos of their bumps. Talk about morning sickness or how amazing its gonna be. Now I went on my dream holiday to America uploaded photos and only then 1 person asked how it was and only text once about it. It hurts and maybe I’m over thinking. I mention this to one of the girls who I was bridemaid for fee months ago she said we all need to make more a effort and see each other.
But when we do meet up I’m like the 4th wheel . I’d love to just drop 2 of them I’ve muted the groupchat and don’t open the messages and they’ve not even noticed.
I’m in middle of buying a house and I think why should I tell them. I want children and it will happen we just are at different stages. I’m 35 and feel I shouldn’t have to feel this way..

1 comment
  1. I feel you. It’s tough when they obviously have the children in common and are in a different stage in life – I don’t think the solution is to “fix” anything about these particular friendships because as you can imagine, their lifes are hella busy with everything going on, so when they spend time socializing they might prefer to exchange their experiences with people in similar life stages.
    I’m in a bit of a similar boat, and my approach is to do more with friends in my own stage and every now and again make a new friend of that type.

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