I (21F) recently reconnected with a guy (21M) that I went to highschool with. I don’t really have an interest in him romantically or sexually but when he asked me to just hang out as friends I said ok. We got some dinner (I payed for my own because I didn’t want him thinking it was a date) and then we just listened to some music and he took me home. The second time we went out all he did was go on about how his ex broke his heart (keep in mind he dated this girl back in high school) and kept going on and on about how no girls like him. We ended up going to a Dennys and the ENTIRE time I could see him secretly taking photos of me (not just one or two I swear he took like 40 of me just eating) I asked him what he was doing and he said nothing. He also had photos of me from grade 10 screenshotted on his camera roll that he showed me. These were photos that you probably had to stalk my friends facebooks to find. I then found out how he was telling everybody we were a couple even though I made it clear we were just friends and I wasn’t interested in him at all??

  1. What’s the question here? Dude is practically asking for a restraining order.

    Run. Ghost. Invest in a stun gun.

  2. This isn’t a date nor should it be your friend. These are high level red flags and your choosing to ignore them for what idk but get outta there rn

  3. Ghost him. Ghost him immediately.

    Ghost him so hard, Ray Parker Jr. spontaneously plays on any Alexa/HomePod he’s in range of.

    While he *might* be harmless, perhaps just *incredibly* naive, his behaviour certainly isn’t healthy. Nor should it be enabled or encouraged any further. Gotta say it, cutting all contact is likely the way to do that.

    If he tries to squeeze his way into your life regardless, time for the restraining order.

    Hope it goes well, OP.

  4. Ew. Creep. Why didn’t you call him out on it and tell him to delete them? Did you not feel safe to do so? I’d stop hanging around this guy.

  5. 🚩🚩🚩Please run. Like pretty please. The energy he’s giving is not “friendship” it’s stalker. You do not owe him dates, or friendship, or anything. Make like Danny Phantom and go ghost bc yiiikes.

  6. This should be your last communication to him. “Hey, I wanted to let you know that taking pictures of me like that without asking made me really uncomfortable. Please don’t contact me again.”

    If the police need to get involved, it helps to have a record of communication showing you tried to make him leave you alone.

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