Why does my man goes soft after wearing condom ? He is not able to penetrate and not hard anymore. I am really not satisfied now.

When it starts he gets hard and everything looks fine.

But as soon as he goes to wear a condom and I get into position he goes soft again and says that he is not able to insert it in.

I need help if anyone has faced similar situation

  1. He might have a big dick and need larger condoms, if that’s not the problem try doing sexy things after he has the condom on, to get him hard.

  2. Probably the condom restricting the blood flow to his penis get him a magnum for his magnum dong

  3. This works for me 25M

    When I am in position and I’m not fully hard, my partner jerks me off untill I am hard enough. Then I penetrate and we can get to work šŸ™‚

  4. Some men are wayy turned off by condoms, talk about it and if thatā€™s the case then Go get std tested (both of you) and drop the condom (use other birth control methods too)

  5. My girlfriend and I donā€™t use protection because Iā€™ve had a vasectomy and weā€™ve both been tested. Every so often, we will have a threesome or play with another couple, and for the first time in a long time, I will put on a condom. Iā€™ve experienced exactly what you were describing!

    God bless my girlfriend! šŸ˜… I can only imagine what some of these women must be thinking when Iā€™m looking at them and trying not to make them feel bad that itā€™s just not working at the moment. She always rips the condo mouthing, goes to work with her mouth until itā€™s hard again, she puts the condom back on me and says ā€œOK baby, go!ā€šŸ˜­ (we might not be the best couple to give advice)

    The most important thing to know is that itā€™s not your fault. The second most important thing is to communicate with him about how you feel while trying not to make him feel insecure or act defensive

    Try some different solutions! Iā€™ve read some great suggestions in the other comments about condom sizes. Try your best to make it a fun team effort to solve the riddle, rather than making it look like a problem, and he hast to figure out.

    You donā€™t have to treat it that way. You donā€™t owe him anything but the truth, but I believe thatā€™s the best way for PARTNERS to solve problems.

  6. Try a super thin condom. They really increase sensation. Not as nice as raw but no babies afterwards.

  7. It’s probably because he needs constant stimulation to stay hard….this happens if someone watches a lot of porn and masturbates a lot.

  8. Cuz condoms both cut of circulation and take away so much feelingšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

  9. In my case the condoms small. Not length wise but girth wise. Try upgrading to a wider condom, it might help.

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