Hey, I’m an introvert and I now understand that if people don’t like (don’t look at me with their face down when I face or walk next to them) or acknowledge me when we are roommates, I develop a feeling of resentment towards them. This results in me not talking to them but just say a hi and they reply back with an hi, but I feel bad and angry when they don’t introduce me to their friends (not that I’m willing) when they do introduce their friends to my other roommates. I’m older btw in my late 30s. Any tips or guides to overcome this will be helpful, thanks!

1 comment
  1. It’s understandable. Even if rationally you understand that you can’t possibly vibe with everyone, you’ll still feel the sting when you’re socially rejected. If you really want your social life to change for the better, start (learning and) working on your social skills.
    Read books, watch Youtube videos on charisma, implement what you learned, ask specific questions here, and have fun with it.
    There’s no hack.

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