What is something spontaneous/unhinged you have always wanted to do?

  1. Pack up my belongings and just leave civilization behind. I have a cat to think about and she’s quite the pampered princess, so I can’t exactly do that. 😅

  2. Sell most of my possessions and go even more minimalistic than what Iam.

    Also go pick up a truck and live in an RV with my gf and animals. I’m working on that. Hunting for a house is too stressful.

  3. Go for a fast ride to no place particular, just go and keep on going.

  4. Dye my hair and get some tattoos. Not quite unhinged but it would probably give my 82-year-old Italian grandma a heart attack.

  5. Pack a bag and head to the airport. Buy a plane ticket to random place and just go on an super impromptu weeklong trip

  6. Unfollow/ block everyone I know and disappear without a trace

    Sometimes this desire seeps through, because I begin unfollowing certain people, which I end up regretting after this urge goes away

  7. Whenever im talking to someone i sometimes get a very weird curiosity like “what if i just slapped this person?”. I start imagining what their face would feel like on my palm.

  8. Go missing and take a new identity in a warm country with plenty of beaches

    Then when I get bored there do it all again

  9. Wake up on a weekend day with no plans or notice and just say “hey.. Let’s go to kings island for the day”

    Quick clean up/shorts/pony tail/sunglasses and out the door. Stop at McDonald’s drive thru for bfast and have excited conversations about the roller coasters

    Seems like something like that always gets planned ahead of time. Be fun to just do it outta the blue like that

  10. Disappear. Run away. Escape. Take all the drugs. Commit all the crimes. Just be a rebel and not give a damn.

  11. Smash a bottle on the edge of the bar and threaten someone with the broken neck.

  12. Breaking into a song and dancing in the middle of grocery shopping.

    I don’t know how to dance, at all. And I have the grace of a drunk baby elephant

    I’m deaf-toned. If you do not know the lyrics, you won’t recognize what I’m singing.

    So, not only I’d be ridiculous, I’d also make other people suffer.

    So, I don’t do that.

  13. flip a table in the middle of class or a meeting or something and walk out

  14. I want drop my phone in the gaps water drainages “to see what happens” it my call of the void thing.

  15. Skydive.
    Quit my job, change my number and travel.
    Don’t get on the exit towards work and instead continue on the highway for a spontaneous road trip.
    Buy a one way plane ticket and just leave absolutely everything behind.

  16. i’ve wanted to try a j-turn in my car. i dunno what I think that’s unhinged haha. maybe for me.

  17. Recently I’ve seen a few people being rude to grocery store cashiers. I just want to go running into them with a force powerful enough to yeet them straight through a window with a huge crash, super hero style. Then I would like to put my vegetables on the counter as though nothing happened and calmly say, “may I buy a bag please?”

  18. drive my car off a cliff or overpass. Just for how it would feel. (I’m ok everyone!)

  19. Buy a van and live like a nomad, relying on short term jobs foe income.

  20. Give someone with a big booty a smack on their butt🤣I’m a woman who can definitely appreciate other women’s bodies and i swear, I’ve seen some really big butts on TikTok and on the street. I just want to touch them sometimes but I’m content admiring them from a distance

  21. Drop everyone, move to a new province after graduating, learn new hobbies, and reset my life. The stereotypical moving to Paris and living my best life except mine would be moving to a bigger city lol. A girl can only dream though.

  22. Blow a crazy amount of money on a luxury hotel and order room service in the fluffy robe. Then walk around like a rich person in big sunglasses and go shopping. So…Home Alone 2. Home Alone 2 is my dream.

  23. Personally, I want to go missing a become a prepper. Or audition for a random film or commercial despite not acting since 5th grade

  24. I have a list of people I’d love to Vulcan punch in the throat.

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