Married women who were in a long term de facto relationship with their partner beforehand: what changed after getting married?

  1. It just feels like we have more skin in the game now. We’ve never really been a couple that argues, but even disagreements now are solved swiftly because we both recognize the gravity of not prioritizing our marriage. Divorce is not an option in our book and we don’t discuss it or joke about it. Literal changes since getting married; we fully combined our finances, bought our first house and have started planning for children-marriage was a prerequisite for us for all of that.

  2. Absolutely nothing. We’re maturing more every year. Getting married was a big source of happiness and emotional for both of us. But day to day remained same as before.

  3. I took my kids to the doctore (they have my husbands name). When they called the kids in, they asked who i was and i said their mom. They asked why i wasnt married to the dad.

    That pissed me off

  4. We get more back on our taxes.

    We have legal recourse if one of us fucks our relationship up (this is important as we have a child).

    That’s about it.

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