I have money and time.

There’s nothing stopping me from going out late at night. Problem is I don’t want to and I don’t know why.

I don’t even want to watch TV or netflix. I just want to stay home and waste time.

  1. Idk why you’re posting this yes you’re an adult do what you want. Doing nothing is awesome

  2. Ignore the couch potatoes in here. Go outside. It’s good for you.

    The more you stay cooped up the more you lose the will to do shit. In other words, the will to live.

    No one says you have to party or watch Netflix though. To each their own. As long as you’re pushing yourself to do something fulfilling between the monotony you won’t regret it.

  3. My husband is this way. He frequently *asks* me to plan things because he’s always happy when we get out of the house, but his inclination is to just stay home. If I didn’t plan activities for us, we’d probably never leave the house.

  4. It ultimately depends on your personality.

    I’m a type-A go go go, but I found that “doing nothing” could just mean taking random walks and slowing down a bit. It all comes down to your needs, and nobody knows that better than you!

  5. Yep, I absolutely love slobbing on my huge comfy sofa, watching good films / docs, eating nice pizza and falling asleep intermittently.

  6. Nothing wrong with that, but like anything moderation is key. I tend to fall into this trap sometimes as well. Buy a Groupon for an activity; whale watching, paint and sip, comedy show, etc. If you put a little skin in the game that’ll give you incentive to get out of the house.

  7. Yeah, I get this a lot. I feel like I sometimes have to force myself to do stuff. Often, I just want to lie on the couch and doze off.

  8. Yes, but not for the same reasons. I don’t like people. I love going out, driving, hiking, visiting places, eating out, but I absolutely no longer go anywhere crowded. I used to love conventions, movies, etc, but not anymore, and this was even before 2020. I go on off-seasons, I go where people aren’t, etc.

    For example, my company offers a sabbatical every 4 years, 4 weeks off on top of vacation. Everyone takes summer off, they fight to cover each other while everyone looks for summer off time. I take winter off, then I go on weekday day-trips to the places I want to go, to avoid the crowds.

  9. Yes.


    This typically is a sign that I **need** to go out and do something.

    There’s a momentum to these things that’s a constant battle.

  10. All the time. I have no problem staying home every opportunity I get. Living alone I also get to actually follow through on that impulse. I had my days going to the bar every night and partying it up and I am so glad all that shit is behind me.

  11. I have never regretted going outside and just being, as much as I didn’t want to at the outset. Also, get a goal or two and begin to chase.

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