I ve never really had difficulty making friends in the past but being in college, nobody talks in class and even if you do you usually dont sot next to each other again. And when class is finished, everyone rushed to wherever they need to go.
I just dont see how i can do anything about it.
What saddens me most is that these are the years where im supposed to make life long friendships 🙁

  1. So good news and bad news. Bad news, you’re in a tough spot, starting with zero friends is the hardest spot. Good news, you literally just need one friend who has friends, and it snowballs.

    Join a club. My school had a marching band. If you’re in, doesn’t matter who you are, there is 120 friends throwing baller parties. But those parties are so good, non band people come. And you’re cool, cause your in the band, chilling with your band buddies, they talk to you, and you make friends with them. Then you meet their friends, suddenly, you know half the school.

    It’s just that easy, you gotta take the steps though.

  2. You could get to class early and strike up conversations that way. But I agree with edm ostrich that joining an activity or club would be a great way to get to see the same people regularly.

    Also, what about your living space?

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