Looking to build a consensus and actually curious of the methods and situations other people on this sub have actually found someone who decided to give you a try. It’s just that I’m not convinced it’s common that people find relationships by chatting up strangers at the grocery store like wikihow tries to have me believe.

  1. Met my (36m) fiancée (33m) on bumble. I think the last twenty or so people I had sex with or dated or whatever previously came from online dating as well.

    In my experience, as a guy who has picked up plenty of women in bars and at parties, very few people meet at the grocery store. If only because “oh, you like Frosted Flakes? Me too, it’s my favorite,” is a TERRIBLE way to start a conversation that you want to lead to sex.

  2. We met at a mutual friend’s birthday party.

    >It’s just that I’m not convinced it’s common that people find relationships by chatting up strangers at the grocery store

    I don’t think I know a single person who’s started a relationship this way. Don’t bother strangers who are just trying to get their errands done. It’s an imposition and most people are not receptive to it.

    Meet people in social settings instead. Join groups, go to events, talk to people when they are relaxed and open to meeting new people.

  3. 38m met my 31f on hinge, together 2.5yrs. I’ve done online dating for about 1.5 yrs prior as well as gamed at groceries stores and while stores might work for a conversation, still didn’t lead to anything out of the few numbers I’ve picked up. The RL interactions were with more attractive woman than the matches you’ll end up getting online though.

    The conundrum is that when your in public, you don’t know what everyone’s situation is (the husband can be in the next isle) And with online, the ease of access to an unlimited number of potential matches for women makes everything a shit show no matter what you do

    I was extremely lucky to find my 11 in online dating

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