I’m 37, i’m autistic, I feel like i’m finally for the first time starting to naturally understand body language, and not just understand it in my brain but *feel it*. I was trying to get another persons perspective on a specific seating position that I’ve not been able to find anywhere, and i’ve checked many resources tonight.

Imagine you’re driving a car, the passenger is someone you haven’t hung out with in 5 years, someone you had a spectacularly close friendship with, but never anything more, you’ve both previously admitted to each other that that you “fell for them” and regretted never seeing what could have been. You start talking again and she says she just wants to be friends.

She’s turned sideways sitting on her hip and thigh, her entire body facing you, their legs are parallel, bent a bit with their knees pointed towards you the driver. They’ve tilted their head towards you, and have slipped down into the chair just a bit so they’re gazing up at you, and they effectively hold this position and look for the 15-20 minute ride home.

To me obviously that’s comfortable, positive body language.

Just how positive though? I felt like her position was screaming attraction, comfort, and submissiveness. I could feel it in my bones, it’s hard to describe.. I later realized in my life i’ve only seen this particular position from a woman in my car a handful of times, and each time it was someone I had already slept with, or I eventually slept with, or someone who eventually asked me why i didn’t sleep with them.

My friend says it’s not even all that positive, “she was probably tired”

Was that as submissive and comfortable and open as I think it is? It felt very intimate. Almost provocative in a comfortable sorta way.


**edit** This is the first time in a while now, that im doubting my interpretation of a social situation. My friend is usually dead on with his guidance. I was a bit surprised that I wasn’t able to find guides to body language or social interaction in specific instances, like say a car, certain actions there are more or less likely than they are in a general situation.

1 comment
  1. What do you mean by submissive?

    There’s so many things you could read into her body language in that moment in time, yes. But isn’t it more effective to just hang out with her again and find out what you want to find out by talking?

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