Tldr: I made the mistake of unblocking my abusive ex. When I told him I’d been seeing someone new he raged at me even though he slept with 8 women. Now he’s threatening me to give him my friend’s address and I’m split between his safety and mine. No I cannot call police.

Long story short, I’ve been in an on/off situation for a year and a half. It was on/ off due to how volatile and dangerous it was. He strangled me earlier in the year after I caught him cheating, and to protect himself went to court to get a restraining order against me which he later dropped under the promise I wouldn’t press charges against him. After 3 months of no contact he began reaching out to me on burner social media accounts which I ignored until he started saying he’d seen me out and about. This triggered me so I responded and told him it’s best if he stopped contacting me and we never deal with each other again. Unfortunately he felt this gave him a green light to come to my home and profess his love at 2am and I stupidly let him in…

Over the course of the next 3 days we were discussing people we’d seen during the 3 months NC. He told me he slept with 8 women, and I confessed to starting a fling with an acquaintance who bought me a bottle of perfume before we decided to split ways. He became FURIOUS. He forced me to show him the bottle, shattered it, called me names, then went to all of the bars I frequent to find my friend to “have a talk”. He told me I belonged to him for life and if I messed around with anyone else again he’d kill me and him. This really bothered me, so I ended up blocking him and telling him we need to stay away from each other. He sent me a text from a burner phone calling me a worthless whore and told me to never contact him again(which is funny because I blocked him first).

He’s now demanding my acquaintances address, saying I’m disloyal if i don’t give it and threatening me saying it’s me or him. I don’t know what else to do. This man gloats on how he’s slept with over 200 women, 8 of which were during the last 3 months. But according to him I “cheated on him” by having a fling during our court battle because I’m held to a higher standard than him and should be pure (we’re american and not religious btw)? The police were already involved and the law is in his side so I can’t contact them.

  1. How the hell is the law on his side? Is he a cop? You need to let the guy know about him so he can take steps to protect himself.

  2. > I don’t know what else to do.

    Block him everywhere and talk to a lawyer about a restraining order. Also – if you can move away, do so.

    >the law is in his side so I can’t contact them.

    According to whom? Is he a cop?

  3. You are in danger. Contact a women’s shelter if you won’t go to the police and block him on everything. Let your friends and family know to block him as well.

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