What’s up yall, i always had an easy time getting women, i was like a pokemon trainer collecting all the pokemon (women) fr. But i swear i think i fell in love for the first time forreal this time… I started going to college this month, and there’s this girl in my class, she’s beautiful smart mature and responsible, she the one frfr. Problem is, this is my first time seriously genuinely wanting someone, i usually just be playing around with different women without thinking bout it too much, but im not trying to screw up this time istg im tryna be serious like a mf she the type of girl i can show to my momma. I’m also half (nationality) and she’s full, she also religious while im not and i think may be a problem. I been tryna learn more about my father’s culture (same as hers) so i can relate more with her n shit, damn i really dont wanna screw up yk. Im not sure if she got a
boyfriend or someone she’s interested in, but we been hanging out in between classes lately so i think (and hope) we good on that front, i do know my homie is tryna smash but its aight he doesn’t know how i feel about her so i cant blame him Imao, im not backing off tho. L homie fr. (Jk, Ill tell him how i feel and then he should respect me and not try to smash)
Anyway what should i do? For the first time i dont feel confident lol, pls help imma be grateful to yall if u help me secure the wifey on god.

TLDR: idk how to get a relationship with my crush because i’m actually in love and i’ve never been serious about a woman in my life. Pls help me secure the wifey

  1. Tip one for attracting intelligent, mature women: Do not speak about women as if they are prizes in a video game. “Pokemon”, “secure the wifey”, “smash”. Drop these childish euphemisms and start speaking like the adult that you are.

    Tip two for attracting intelligent, mature women: Recognize the difference between love and lust. You cannot be in love with someone you barely know. A mature woman will be cognizant of this fact, and she will be wary of men who mistake lust for actual love.

    Tip three for attracting intelligent, mature women: Be intelligent and mature yourself. Make a habit of learning things for fun and self-improvement. That way you’ll be interesting to talk to.

    A tip for online communication: if you want to come across as a thoughtful, learn-ed, intelligent person, try to use full sentences. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation and spelling. Avoid over-reliance on acronyms and other forms of shorthand. If u type lik dis, ppl wil c u as dum; that perception isn’t necessarily fair, because linguistic decorum is not an actual indicator of intelligence… but it’s still a “thing” that isn’t likely to go away any time soon.

  2. Sounds like you have your foot in the door – hanging out between classes, and already getting to know her better. I’ve been in your place, it’s not difficult to find someone who mutually doesn’t give a shit but once you build “that” understanding it’s hard to get to relationship. The opposite can be true, it’s called the friend zone.

    But deep down if she’s also interested, you won’t get to the friend zone. But to start a real relationship you gotta put in the work and build that friendship. Hang out as friends, get to know each other very well and the attraction will follow. She’s not gonna hop into a relationship with someone she doesn’t know and trust so be the person she can trust. Ask how she’s doing, follow up, and stay consistent.

    Good luck brother ✌️

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