If not,which one do you think is ‘worse’ and why?

  1. I don’t know if it’s the worst, but shit like the hollywood sidewalk and broadway shows are outdated and lame.

  2. I highly doubt it’s “the worst”. It’s probably got the biggest disparity between global popularity and actual enjoyment when visiting, but that doesn’t quite get as many clicks/views/ratings.

    It’s pretty underwhelming, but you’re also in Hollywood. You can say you were there, you can see the sign, you can see the Griffith Observatory nearby, you can get harassed by Scientologists, you can people watch, there’s still a lot to do in the area that make it enjoyable.

    Plymouth rock is probably far worse

  3. I mean, I haven’t been to every tourist trap in the world, but its hard to imagine one much worse than THWOF.

  4. Not sure about “worst”, but definitely way overrated. The Walk of Fame is so far from many people’s idea and assumptions about Hollywood, that they end up being greatly disappointed. Far from being glitzy and glamorous as they assume, it is dirty, rundown, reeks of urine, has annoying vendors, and sadly has a lot of homeless people.

    There are so many better places in the LA area you can go to instead. It is a massive city, and should not be judged based on just Hollywood Blvd or Santa Monica Pier.

  5. [The two-story outhouse in Gays, Illinois would like to have a word](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2527)

    But in all seriousness, the amount of Americans voting probably weighted the polls. It is shitty, but I think the one thing it has going for it is that it’s free. So, you can leave at no cost as soon as you arrive and discover that it’s shitty.

    There are other things, like the *Grotta Azzurra* (Blue Grotto) in Italy where I paid $20 per person for a bad experience and I feel like that’s worse.

  6. It’s far from the worst. You see, it actually works. Shitty as it is, it still pulls tourists in. The worst is one that no one has ever heard of because it doesn’t work.

  7. That or Times Square. Everytime someone comes to visit they wanna go to the Walk of Fame. I tell them it’s not worth it but they want to go anyway. There’s plenty of great things to see and do in LA. I love this city. But the Walk of Fame isn’t one of them.

  8. Someone’s trash is someone else’s treasure. It’s not my cup of tea, but if someone wants to take photos of their favorite celebrity’s star, more power to them.

    IMO the biggest fault of the Walk of Fame is that you have to be nominated, approve the nomination yourself, get selected, and then… pay $40,000.

    “Congratulations! You’ve been nominated for an iconic reward. Give us money.”

  9. The stupidest tourist attraction I’ve ever gone to was Four Corners. It’s not even on the border.

  10. Plymouth Rock is the biggest disappointment.
    However, the location is clean and well kept.
    I think the conditions surrounding the Hollywood Walk of Fame is the reason for the poor rating.

  11. No, I don’t think it’s the worst. Surely there are some that are so terrible, you haven’t heard of them.

    I wouldn’t visit the Walk of Fame though. If someone visits and hates it, it’s their fault. After all, it’s that same lack of assiduousness which caused them to vote it “world’s worst” in the first place.

  12. As someone who stayed in Hollywood when I was out in LA last year it wasn’t that bad. Like yeah, the area isn’t really that interesting but for the most part you could walk down the sidewalk without large crowds of people blocking you. I mean you can pretty much get your fill in about an hour of being there. I find Times Square way more annoying.

  13. I disagree. The Walk of Fame doesn’t pretend to be anything other than what it is: celebrities’ names in the sidewalk. If you find yourself disappointed when you see it, I’d argue that’s your fault for having wildly inflated expectations.

    I’d also argue it’s a perfect tourist attraction for the Instagram era, because it gives tourists an easy thing to take a picture of, and there are so many stars you can pick your favorites to snap and share, whereas there’s only one Eiffel Tower that everyone has seen a million times over.

    Plus, the stars are all spread out, so you won’t encounter any big crowds waiting at the stars you want to see. Have you seen those pictures taken of the crowds at the Louvre surrounding the Mona Lisa? Talk about a disappointment. There’s so many people you can’t get anywhere close to the painting. Same deal with these quaint little Mediterranean villages that were “discovered” by some influencer, and now those villages are overrun with tourists and the whole charm and solitude is gone.

    Also, I’ve seen similar things in other cities, so obviously the idea has enough appeal that other areas have copied it and created their own walk of fame.

    ETA: [List of Walks of Fame](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_halls_and_walks_of_fame#Walks_of_fame)

  14. I saw it once. I have no need to see it or any part of Hollywood again. I would guess there have to be worse tourist attractions in all the world.

  15. Celebrity culture is garbage and the celebrities tourist attraction also sucks.

    I’m pretty sure the only people who are surprised are saps

  16. Four Corners is a pretty damn sad tourist attraction too. Drive out to the middle of the desert and then you’re like, “why the hell did I do this?”

  17. Hollywood is a place of business with a mall, souvenir shops, and a few night clubs. Why people visit is beyond me when there are infinitely better places to go in LA. Even if you want to see movie stuff, go to Universal City and visit Universal Studios instead of Hollywood.

    But I have seen worse tourist attractions.

  18. 4 corners monument is pretty bad. To be fair, I can’t imagine thinking it’d be anything but bad.

    Honorable mention—The Taj Mahal is pretty much a tourist trap as well.

  19. I used to live a couple blocks from the walk of fame, and one of my favorite hobbies at that time was getting a coffee, walking around the walk of fame, and telling tourists “oh, you do NOT want to do that” whenever they would start to lie down next to a star or even worse try to kiss it for a photo.

  20. It’s not amazing by itself and it’s pretty dirty and crowded, but it’s a cool part of the area. Best seen as part of an afternoon and evening around Hollywood boulevard. Walk around, see some chintzy tourist shops, some of the museums like the World of Illusions are pretty fun, go see a movie at the Chinese theatre or Dolby, get some dinner, etc.

  21. I think the worst tourist attraction in the country is Times Square. The only thing that redeems it is that it’s such a major transportation node and there are so many things like theaters and so on nearby, so people would be passing through it anyway. But as a tourist attraction unto itself, it is horrible.

    I will admit I’ve found most “tourist attractions” in places I’ve lived to be horrible.

  22. I’d probably have gone with “Creation Museum” having a slight edge over the WOF, but they’re both horrifying in their own unique way.

  23. No, I mean it’s not the worst attraction, but Hollywood Boulevard where its located is pretty sleazy.

  24. Meh, my family and I went there when I was a kid. I had a fun time. Nothing mind blowing. But it apparently left a big enough imprint that I can remember enjoying it.

    So at least it’s probably worth it if you have kids and want to give them something to do in LA.

  25. The walk of fame itself isn’t so bad, but the area is terrible. That is, finding stars could be fun, but it’s just a very run-down nasty area to be in.

  26. Definitely not the worst. Have you ever been to Plymouth Rock? It’s just a fucking rock with the year 1620 engraved on it. It’s not even the actual rock that the fist pilgrims set foot on. They’ve put it at the bottom of a pit with a small portico over it so you can’t even touch it. You just get to look down on it from above. A fucking rock.

  27. If it wasn’t for Silver Dollar City and Dollywood Branson Missouri and Pigeon Forge Tennessee would be up there as the worst tourist towns in the country. Also Great Smoky Mountains National Park is overrated, I like the Cumberland Plateau and Land Between the Lakes much more

  28. LA Just isn’t a tourist friendly place. Nothing is really walkable. Driving anywhere sucks. There isn’t a concentrated downtown area like you see in large cities in the east and Midwest. Even the beaches are kinda disappointing. I’m sure it’s a great place to live, but I was very underwhelmed when I visited.

  29. You guys obviously haven’t been to the Archbald Pothole. Worst tourist attraction are you kidding me?

    Kinda proud of that thing when I lived up there. Check it out then talk to me about ” worse ” tourist attraction.

  30. When I went to LA, Hollywood was full of crackheads, homeless people, and prostitutes. So I would say overrated. Can’t say if it is the worst though.

  31. IDK if it’s the worst but it’s so underwhelming. There are way better places to visit in LA. I do wish the city did more to clean that area up there, it kinda feels like wasted potential

  32. I will never accept this as fact so long as the Dublin Spire remains standing. It’s a fucking pole and I hate it.

  33. Well, it’s just a sidewalk with some famous names on it, honestly. I know that the perception I had as a kid, before I ever went there, was that part of Hollywood was very glitzy and glamorous. Like, there are movie studios and fancy restaurants and supercool clubs, etc… luxury shopping… etc.

    It’s full of disappointed tourists, dingy souvenir shops, chain restaurants, locals that work in the area, and weirdos in shitty superhero or cartoon costumes trying to sucker you into giving them a few bucks. There are some clubs around, but they aren’t as good as they were in the 80’s-00’s.

    Worst in the world? I dunno, there are lots of things that are more lame, but I guess it’s the let down that makes it suck more.

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