Whenever I want to say something everyone either just tells me to shut up or talks over me. When at the dinner table when i start to talk my mom just interrupts me and says what she wants to say and whenever i mention that you always talk over me she tells me to say what i want but why didnt she let me do that before she talked over me. why do people do this? Am i doing something wrong?

  1. It might be helpful to ask your mother this. If she is helpful, you can ask her to address what you are doing wrong, if you are interrupting her/changing subject, or something else that makes her cut you off. Just be open minded and see to the ‘why’ and see if you can do anything about it.

  2. It sounds like you may need to speak up and assert yourself more, so people will give you the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions without interruption

    It could also be helpful to have a conversation with your mom about actively listening and respecting others during discussions.

  3. Let your older relatives do this. I had a grandma who did this all the time. Just get real quiet then you will let your relatives talk over others and be annoying. Plus is makes you look respectful to your elders.

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