My husband and I are 25. Recently, our 3rd was born. We have 4 year old twins as well as our newborn.
I do not drink. Never have. He does, but before not a lot. He would have a beer every now and then, nothing heavy.

At first he would drive home from work and be kinda stumbly and clumsy and he would say he was just tired and I bought it. Then he would fall asleep on the couch and I’d have to come downstairs to wake him up, because I can’t sleep without him.

So more recently he’d make excuses to not drive. I’d ask him to go to the store and he’d say “oh….uhhh, I’m kind of light headed right now” once he said “my cars clutch is kinda messed up”

He’s always drunk now. I don’t even let him around kids if I think he’s been drinking (which is 90% of the time) I don’t think they should be seeing their dad drunk.

I’ve tried everything to get him to stop. I’ve offered intimacy if he stops and I hold up my end and he never holds up his. He just doesn’t drink for one day and then the day after he’ll drink again.

I’ll do anything for him to stop. I told him If he stops, I’ll do whatever he wants. But I’m not starting this until he stops for good. I guess it’s not enough because i still find alcohol bottles hidden around the house. I found 3 empty ones behind the couch, a massive one under the bed, one outside in the bushes, even a small one in the vent in the baby’s room.

I’m out of ideas. I’ve offered literally everything I can.

  1. You should look into Al-Anon, it’s like AA but for friends and family of addicts, they give you tools and support for dealing intimately with an addict. I have a few friends who it has been absolutely instrumental to their wellbeing.


  2. You can’t convince an addict to stop their addiction, they have to make that choice on their own, unfortunately. He’s not worthy of your intimacy at the moment, and I hope he doesn’t do anything dangerous to compromise the safety of your family.

  3. You can’t fix this.

    Alcoholism is a Disease.

    Go to online Al-anon meetings.

    Read books like, Codependent No More.

    You aren’t his parent. He isn’t your child.

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