I don’t talk the same. I don’t act the same. I become a better version when I drink. Last night I struggled to even look her in the eye. The night before I could lead the whole crowd.

It’s not just socially but at work I become so much more focused. I can fly through my tasks. Right now, that I’m sober I couldn’t care about a damn thing. I just wanna sleep.

I don’t wanna drink but I just feel like I’m fumbling the ball when I’m sober and I don’t know how many more chances I have before I lose them.

Anyone else struggle with this?

  1. I used to think like this and it is mostly in your head- the main difference from being sober is that alcohol is blocking your inhibitions and anxieties which are normally huge distractions when you’re sober. You can learn to ignore the same inhibitions while sober, but you’ll actually have more control over it. You can also work to resolve your anxieties. Have you ever met anyone in real life who was high energy, social, etc. while sober? Of course you have, so you know it’s not the alcohol.

  2. Yeah… I’ve known all kinds of people who believe this. The reality is your self-perception when drunk is skewed by the effects of the alcohol. The rest of the world sees you as a drunk.

    Quit drinking and work on developing better social skills, which in turn make you more confident socially.

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