I’ve had a fair few matches on Bumble over the last week and they have sent a message but I haven’t responded because I worry I won’t be able to keep the conversation going.

There’s also a bunch of new people at work and they keep asking me what I do outside of work and I respond I go swimming and then the convo ends because I realise that’s it go swimming 3 times a week for an hour each time and that’s it. I play some Pokémon but I can’t mention that because it’s a kids game and it’s humiliating.

I hate talking about myself I’m embarrassed by the sum of my life, and I’m boring and uninteresting. I just have no idea what to talk about.

  1. when in doubt, ask people about their lives. people love to talk about themselves and what they do. ask interesting questions and find out what their passions and values are. this is a great way to lead the convo and feel more connected to the people around you.

    also, don’t feel like you need to hide parts of yourself because you think others will find it humiliating. the amount of adults that still play Pokémon is otherworldly. you’d be surprised to find out others you know may be interested in the same things as you. the only way to truly find out is asking questions!

  2. Do you work in the city area you grew up in? You could talk about where you went to school. Are your coworkers older adults or young adults and teens?

  3. >I play some Pokémon but I can’t mention that because it’s a kids game and it’s humiliating.

    You know that there are people who still play pokemon from the first generation?

    >they keep asking me what I do outside of work and I respond I go swimming and then the convo ends

    Don’t just say that you go swimming, expand it with some stories of your experience of swimming. And the convo could end, because they don’t swim, thus can’t relate, thus don’t know what else to ask

    >I hate talking about myself I’m embarrassed by the sum of my life, and I’m boring and uninteresting. I just have no idea what to talk about.

    Talk about unusual things that happened to you or insights you experienced. Pet shenanigans is a pretty safe topic that most people like to hear. People want stories and not statements.

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