My boyfriend (22m) and myself (21f) have been in a relationship for 10 months now. I would consider ourselves to be a very happy and loving couple.

Throughout our relationship I’ve considered myself a very lucky girl. I’ve never in my life had someone treat me the way he does. He takes me on weekly dates for drinks and food. Not once have I had to pick up the bill (occasionally I will secretly pay and treat him), he’s made it known that he doesn’t want me to pay. He spends a lot of money on little weekend getaways, although I do pay for certain things such as gas and food. He also sometimes buys me gifts. I’ve always felt guilty for receiving things from him, and I have a hard time believing that I deserve it.

I would never be able to afford what he provides. I work part time at a small business and I am in/paying for college, I don’t have a lot of money and he knows this. He works full time and gets paid pretty decently.

Recently, he’s been bringing up how much he spends on me. I told him that I do not want to know because it makes me feel guilty but he’s been really pushing it on me. he will drop hints regarding a bill such as “what is 20% of.. (cost of bill)”. A couple weekends ago we were at a bar and told me the cost of the bill, $100.. I was surprised and he told me that’s what he spends every week. This made me feel really guilty. Like I said, I would never be able to afford that..

Today, he brought up our 6 month anniversary (this was 4 months ago). We had agreed not to make it a big deal and that a small gift and dinner would be sufficient. I got him a wallet with some pictures of us in it, and I thought I’d was really thoughtful considering he needed a new wallet. He was a little more generous than what we had agreed to and got me flowers, a gift card to a nail salon, and a pandora ring.
He was expressed to me today that he thought I didn’t appreciate being in a relationship with him and that he spent $400 on me that day.. I didn’t know this and I have my doubts that that is really what he spent but regardless it made me feel AWFUL. I didn’t know he was hanging on to that, and this whole time I thought that my gift was thoughtful.

I really don’t know what to expect from a relationship with man at this point. I was in a 4 year relationship prior with a guy who did nothing for me, this is all new.. is he doing too much?? Should I just tell him that we should slow down on that dates. I really don’t know what to do and I need help.

TLDR: boyfriend spends a lot of money on me and I didn’t know the details until recently because he’s been telling me the cost, and I’m really confused as to if i should feel guilty or not.

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