After breaking up with me, my ex (22f) and I (24m) had a discussion about taking a relationship break instead, and reconsidering the relationship afterwards. Initially, we both agreed that this is somthing we would be fine with doing. However, I have come to the decision that our relationship had no future potential and that we would be better off as friends. She is more or less of the same mindset. Would it be the responsible thing to do, or would I be wasting my effort? Our relationship was 6 months, for those interested.

Tl;dr: Not sure if it’s the best idea to reach out to ex to propose a mutual friendship after our relationship.

  1. If you both have the same mindset, then I’m not sure what the question is. Is the question, if you should reach out regarding staying friends or ending the relationship?

    If the question is about the friendship, it really depends on how you see your ex as a friend and if you would want to put effort into a friendship with her. If she’ll just be an acquaintance anyway, you might as well just end the break and move on. But if you actually think you could have a good friendship with her, there wouldn’t be anything wrong with suggesting it and then being respective if she wants a friendship or not.

    If it’s ending the relationship, it sounds like you agree, and things are basically decided.

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