I’m currently homeless, 29 years old, English male looking for a fresh start / new work.
I’m in Lizard, Cornwall and wondering where would be a good place to find a starting point to get into fishing.
I have enough money left to travel around Cornwall by bus but not much (£50).

I have looked up information but lacking any real definitive direction to head in.

  1. I’d scrap that idea for the time being, get yourself sorted with a base and somewhere to stay. If you’ve no experience, I can’t see anything coming in quick with regards to a new job role, and a fresh start will be easier if you’re settled somewhere.

    Edit: totally forget this idea completely, I just had a quick peek at your profile, you’re in no state of mind to be jumping into a new role, nevermind what could be a small boat with others, no crew would want you alongside in your current state of mind, you’re a danger to yourself and others, it seems you’re looking to run away from your current problems. Forget the new job, seek some professional help asap, right now, that’s your number one priority.

    Good luck

  2. I’d look up fishing companies online. Boats out of Cornwall. Auction houses, fish mongers (these will have connections) and phone around.

  3. You might struggle without some of the basic STCW courses under your belt (mandatory training for seafarers – not 100% sure if small fishing boats are exempt?)

    I suppose you could try a simple notice in a marina/harbour with fishing boats – something along the lines of “Crewman available – no experience, but eager to learn!” (I am assuming that you have no experience of commercial fishing).

    If it’s a general career at sea you’re looking for, you might be able to get accepted by a company on a training scheme?

  4. Sort your mental health and housing situation first or you’re never gonna be able to hold down a job without hating everyone and everything around you, as your profile indicates has always been the case for you.

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