So (female29)i’m having a clear out and i text a female friend (29) that i’ve got a couple of bags of designer y2k clothing for her to take if she wants them . She was at work when she got the message but never replied – guessing she didn’t want them . We’re not close but i want to message back putting a firm boundary in place that i don’t appreciate her being rude . Especially as she is struggling financially & i thought she would appreciate the free clothing . She has a history of being judgmental to working class people as she grew up middle class with money & stability . Unfortunately now she has less money & isn’t living the lifestyle she used to live . I’m working class & have ignored her snobbish behaviour as she doesn’t know any better & all her family is the same . I really want to put her in her place .

  1. Is it possible she forgot to respond? Thought she did? Typed a message and flubbed ‘send’? Or maybe she doesn’t want your clothes and while rude to not at least say “no thank you”, if you aren’t close why are you so offended? Don’t offer her clothes again.
    If she was okay ignoring you, chances are you won’t be able to put her in her place- she isn’t going to care. So that means you’re the only one sitting in the discomfort. Is it adding anything to your life? No? Then let it go, those feelings aren’t worth hanging onto.

  2. From where I’m standing, I see contempt.
    Yes, you can crowdsource a clever message that makes you feel like you put her in her place.
    But that will absolutely not make you happier. You might not genuinely like her and care about her – but that’s just what I’m interpreting out of what you wrote.

  3. ???) this is so odd. Giving someone something, or offering, and then being mean when they don’t take it and making assumptions about what’s going on in their head …. nah 🚩. and as someone who has phone anxiety and doesn’t like looking at texts this is my worst fear

  4. Maybe they don’t want to deal with and got what they needed from you or maybe there lookin into still idk they didn’t respond to a text message now if it were like 30 messages different or maybe they are going thru a hard time could be maybe they feel in swimming pool with a blow dryer lol but maybe the they just kauped those bags

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