Fantasizing about him and us together is amazing and thinking about it turns me on, but for some reason if we do facetime for example I get bored easily and do not enjoy it (he has his camera off most of the time) and he can actually notice when I am not enjoying it so we usually just end it and go to bed.

Same thing in real life it’s like I just mentally disconnect and cannot enjoy the moment, the excitement is nowhere near what I fantasize about. For some reason my whole focus is pleasuring him and putting on a “show” for him. I rarely can enjoy myself.

I think when we first started doing ft it was mostly his camera off, him telling me to change positions or whenever I start enjoying it he tells me to do something different then I get turned off by him constantly ordering me to do things, now I don’t even know what to do when we ft, I absolutely dread it…

We haven’t done ft in a long time and we haven’t seen each other much either and I feel like our sexual connection is just going down, I have never actually orgasmed with him and it’s kinda embarrassing so admit… like I said I get emotionally disconnected and I can’t help it.
Like I actually enjoy doing it alone but I also crave that connection with a person….idk it’s frustrating

Tl:dr i enjoy fantasizing about my bf than actually enjoying it in rl, I seem to mentally disconnect whenever we’re together and the sexual connection just doesn’t seem there anymore. Is this normal? What should I do? How to enjoy myself more?

  1. As difficult and awkward as it may be, you have to talk to each other. Be open about what you like and what you are looking for. Listen to his likes and wants as well. If they can align, awesome. If they can’t, then it might be time to move on.

  2. Listen u said please him him enjoy ur self hmmm seems like he don’t please u like u do him or maybe care enough n maybe he don’t know what u fancy in mind that he does. Maybe u need some one who wants ur cum just as bad as they there own organism to happenm

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