My gf was my crush during high school and I expressed my feelings in text, she said, she said yes because, I never told her in person that I like her and she thinks I was different from other guys who proposed her. It’s been 2 and a half years and I feel like I’m trapped in the relationship, and it’s also that we are so different from each other, we are polar opposites in many things and also that she gives most of her time to her friends. I feel like I’ve stopped loving her and I don’t want her to be in a relationship where she’s the only one trying. There’s also that I’ve started to like a friend with whom I feel happy to be with just the opposite to how I feel with my gf. We’ve even gone to movies while my gf can’t make time for that ( she has a strict family)

I feel like I want to break up and end it now so that she doesn’t get hurt that much if I told her later into the relationship. I feel bad thinking about a break up as she says I’m the only male whos been this close to her. Her father passed away when she was very young and her biological mother does not stay home.

Maybe I should try to mend the relationship.

TL:DR I want to break up but I feel bad for her, her unavailability and the feeling of a greener grass is the reason. Should I break up or try to mend the relationship?

  1. I think it’s worth considering whether it’s possible for the relationship issues you’ve addressed can be resolved. Can you two find similarities in your values, interests, or goals, among your differences? Can you find a way for you two to engage meaningfully with each other in a way that you can both enjoy? If you don’t feel like you can reliably answer this yourself, you could always talk about these subjects with her.

    But yes, breaking up out of a lack of commonality, or strong feelings towards maintaining the relationship, is also an option.

  2. Please don’t waste more of this girls time and break up. You don’t want to be with her and you have feelings for someone else, you aren’t doing her any favors staying with her and are just wasting both of your precious time.

    The most hurtful thing my ex told me was that he’d fallen out of love with me years before but didn’t have the heart to break up with me, instead he cheated with someone he developed feelings for and waited for me end things because he was a coward. Put on your big boy pants and set both of you free from a relationship that isn’t working anymore.

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