I’d like to just post a friendly reminder that you are 100% in control of your choices.

I assume everyone here has heard “be the change you want to see” and “challenge ideas and not people”.

So I’m asking men over 30, what specifically have you done today to make life better for yourself?

I’ll start.

I worked on another atomic habits worksheet to build a healthy habit of walking 10 minutes every day. Edit: walking while I posted this.

  1. Banana for breakfast, weights for 1 hour, bicycle 1 hour, light lunch, heading down to 190lbs by end of October, motorcycle for a few hours – hit 200km, woot!

  2. I’m struggling at the moment. After a breakup. But I managed to have a decent breakfast this morning, and hope to eat properly throughout the day, so I can sleep properly.

    2 months now of 3 or 4 hours sleep is taking it’s toll, I’m not myself.

  3. I put on my fanciest (only) suit and went in for a job interview this morning. It went…okayish.

    They’re supposed to call me back today, but still anxiously waiting. 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

  4. I exercised really well. I had a moment where I was walking my parent’s dog (dog-sitting) after that that I felt REALLY healthy. Just something clicked, whether it was the weather or what, but I felt like I was in great shape.

  5. I struggle with fatigue, and I was able to read and edit a near final copy of my grad student’s dissertation and gave her the green light to set a defense date. It’s more her accomplishment than mine, but struggling through the haze to help someone achieve a dream isn’t nothing, I suppose.

  6. Paying attention to my kids.

    My older sister was always fighting her health. My twin brother had the charisma to lead armies. My baby sister is the baby. We were working class so between my sibilings and work i was mostly just there. Hell i tried to commit suicide at 8. I just didn’t feel like my family cared about me.

    I make it a point to play board games. To read to them. To teach them things. I don’t want my kids to feel like I can’t care.

    Also last week started lifting weights again. I was in the military and got hurt and forced to medically retire. It was a punch to my gut. I got tired of saying I can’t do xxxxxxx because of my injury.

  7. Prioritizing increasing salary in my twenties and doing simple things with the money has given me a more comfortable 30s.

    As for day to day things? Stretching/basic yoga has been an absolute amazing revelation for muscle imbalances causing chronic tension/pain/back spasms.

  8. I went to the gym for the fourth time this month after starting my membership again and I didn’t take any cake or cookies that people left out in the break room.

  9. Treadmill for 30 minutes of walking instead of opening a bottle of wine and drinking most of it before and during dinner.

  10. I applied to to a different school so that I can get my degree online. It will save me 10hrs driving a week, gas and car maintenance expenses, $4000 in tuition every year, now my wife will have access to the car every day, I will regain some sanity, and I will get a little more time with the kids. Really hope I get accepted, I should.

  11. I stopped drinking and doing drugs. Cold turkey, since Jan. 2020. Specifically for today, I went outside for multiple hours (working from home can keep me inside all day)

  12. I ran a children’s group home for five years. It is exhausting and emotionally draining work, but it was a small contribution I could give back to society.

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