I recently started to work at a local deli under a late-fifty’s man who runs the place more time then what i am alive.
The learning curve is pretty big, and I mess up a quite a bit (forgetting customer items, forgetting specific instructions) and he gets mad at me.
Basically he gets me 50% of the time for something that makes sense and is legitimate to get angry about.
and 50% it’s for bullshit that he barely explained that I somehow did wrong. And it usually includes him being rude and a bit aggressive.
I definitely have a lot to say to him and answer back (like that he runs the business before I ever existed and things that seem obvious to him aren’t for me).

But I choose to just keep my head down until I get the hangs of things and get used to the job, then I know he’ll get of my back

  1. I never push back on those people. I don’t flinch either. I just look them in the eye and wait for them to finish. When they sputter out, I move on. If they imparted useful information in their rant, I assimilate it. They tend to leave me alone after that.

  2. I can’t lie, I’m a ‘go fuck yourself’ type person.

    In my teenage years I walked out of countless jobs within the first hour because ultimately you’re replaceable, and this is the only life you’ll have. Don’t spend it being miserable or doing something you hate, or you dread.

    If you’re in a high salary job with important responsibilities it’s different.

    I would personally feel much better telling a rude manager to simply go fuck themselves and spend the next week looking for a different job, jobs are everywhere.

    I now work in a high paying sales job, so it worked out. Know your worth my friend.

    Edit: the feeling of freedom you get when you realise you are in control of your destiny, and you don’t have to take shit from anyone, ever, is a great feeling.

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