I slept with a guy who had really smelly balls, his dick was fine and he was a clean person overall, but his balls smelled like sweat and not good. I got tested for stds and I’m fine, but I keep worrying that maybe now my vagina chemistry has changed and maybe I smell like him down there because he was the last person I was with. Any insight?

  1. Your vagina chemistry can definitely change biit that’s true and normal regardless of hygiene (especially of you’re having unprotected sex). But that in no way means you will smell like the sweat of his day. People sweat and their genitals do too. If it continues to be a problem you may want to talk to him about a good wipe or rinse before playing.

  2. Your vagina is self-cleaning, so I wouldn’t worry about the smell. Just be sure to pee after sex and watch out for/take precautions to prevent a UTI.

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