I’m curious about the effects of introducing roleplay into stable, long-term relationships. How did it impact your usual relationship dynamics? Did it strain or enhance your connection? And, importantly, how did your partner perceive it? Any insights or experiences to share would be greatly appreciated.

  1. We usually roleplay fantasies for sexual stuff and we really find it fun and arousing.. we r together since two years and it has never had any negetive effect on ours .. its all about open conversation with your partner about limits, likes, dislikes and then you are good to go.

  2. It’s definitely enhanced our relationship. He’d played D&D regularly since middle school while I was more casual, but we played together a few times and enjoyed it. We even brought a LOT of people into it once he got me hooked on World of Warcraft, the ultimate Massively Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game. That was way back in 2006 and I still love it. We recently started playing Gloomhaven, just the two of us, for more intimate Roleplaying. It’s been a wonderful part of our relationship for the past 24 years.

  3. definitely brought us closer together and allowed us to be more comfortable and open about other fantasies. we started role playing like a year in since we are very kinky

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