Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

Enjoying the small talk? We have a Discord server too! We’d love to have more of you over there. Do both of us a favour [and use this link to join the fun](https://discord.gg/BTX7cK3R4k).

The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. It’s insane how many places there are to eat in London these days,and also how many different nationalities and types of cuisine are represented…I like eating, and I like variety too, but even I am still surprised every time I come back to this city!

    What’s it like where you live? Can you get ‘authentic’ restaurant food from lots of different cultures and countries? Or is it heavily focused on one or two types of cuisine?

  2. The massage post made me smile this morning. Wouldn’t it be lovely if being massaged by people you just met was normal? Imagine you are sitting in the train, the person next to you says “May I?” and you say “Oh, if it’s not too much trouble.” and you get a shoulder rub. Of course, you return the favour. Or maybe you say “Thank you, I just had one by the gentleman on the previous train”

    I think it sounds dope.

    Flying to Turkey today, let’s see how it looks. It is supposed to rain, I have seen.

  3. Man, I’m so disappointed today. Our fridge died, and it’s not repairable. Or rather, it would be repairable, if the system wasn’t completely sealed off from access, and that’s what upsets me.

    The single technician we managed to convince to try and do it as a special favour (and that’s a whole other story) was frustrated as well, because he’s a commercial appliance tech for the restoration business and for them everything is accessible, repairable, and replaceable.

    It really sits *very* wrong with me that I now have no other choice but to trash a 3 year old gigantic electronic appliance, just because it is designed to not be accessible from the outside. And I get it, the solid back panel somehow contributes to the functionality of it and whatnot, but it didn’t need to be welded in, come on…

    Of all the things that bother me, needless e-waste is for sure on my top 3. I’m still committed to try and find someone who wants to salvage parts of it, but I’m not holding my breath – the most likely scenario is that it will end up in the trash.

    Anyway, don’t let the right to repair slide you by when you’re evaluating voting issues! We have it pretty good in the EU, but we still have so long to go…

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