When I get a message from a guy on an OLD app, it’s very often “Hi, beautiful” or something along those lines and I have no idea how to respond. I tend to super overthink social interactions, especially when I don’t know the expectations the other person has. How do women tend to respond or what kind of response are men looking for?

  1. Men are looking for women to flaunt over their cheap flirtation skills. This is a typical response of a guy that is just fixated on something *of* you but not *about* you. Kind of a red flag, I wouldn’t heed their entertainment unless you can just try to turn it into a conversation.

    But if they keep going on and on about your boobs or your face or your appearance in general, then you’ve confirmed that their first response was more about *of you* than *about you*.

  2. Personally, I reached a point where if all they could come up with to say is “hey beautiful,” I move on. For one, it’s not a conversation starter, and two, men who start off that way never seem to make an effort to actually get to know me.

  3. I don’t respond to “beautiful, sexy, etc” – especially not from a stranger. Not worth the burden.

  4. It’s always funny how women criticize men for short simple messages yet let me tell you what it’s like on Bumble when women have to send the first message…it’s a bunch of “hi’s”

    Some people are just shy or nervous, keep the same energy

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