I don’t want to write out a whole book but I might need to.

’ve been with her for five years. In the beginning I was a entry level construction worker. She used to be really down for me and really supportive in everything I did. She believed in me. I have my own business now building fences. I feel I have come a long way.

Recently I’ve decided I was tired of my stagnant ways with my health and lifestyle. I was 250. She is a little chunky, but was skinnier when we got together. I’m not saying this bothers me as I’ve loved her.

She’s starting to act very insecure saying “are you going to get hot and leave me” and has mentioned to me before that she gets annoyed when I talk about health and fitness, but talking about it helps me bring it to fruition. Long story short, in this aspect, I feel like she wants me to stay out of shape and unattractive. This is the first thing to turn me off about her.

Also, she has become extremely jealous that I don’t have to work as much and I make much more than her. What she doesn’t see is I’m out in the sun busting my ass, some days are lighter than others. On days where my workload is light she practically gives me a list of chores to do. I am not a fan of this.

It seems as though her attitude towards life is just “be annoyed at everything and every little inconvenience”. Such a turn off, especially considering I am grateful just to be alive and living in a house considering my past.

I’ve talked to her about it but she’s doing this insanely annoying sarcastic over correction ordeal. Example: she’s driving fast and I tell her there’s no rush, so in return she slows down fifteen under the speed limit.

I’m at my wits ends. I’m a very old fashioned guy so it kills me to say this, but I feel there would be much better partners out there for me.

Tldr: I am with a girl I’ve been with five years, and I feel the relationship becoming stressful because her attitude has changed.

1 comment
  1. >Example: she’s driving fast and I tell her there’s no rush, so in return she slows down fifteen under the speed limit.

    I’ve figured out the problem. You’re dating a bratty 13 year old.

    Look, if you’re not happy in the relationship, then go ahead and break up. She doesn’t sound like a supportive partner and that’s a very understandable reason for wanting to end things.

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