My husband suggested that I divorce him and find someone wealthier because he is tired of watching me struggle and is worried for my future. For context, he used to make a lot of money but hasn’t worked in years. I have a career but our expenses are still overwhelming. Do I do what he asks?

  1. No… he will struggle… you will struggle… both of you will struggle with careers and paychecks..

    Both of you need to support each other in the tough time each of you will experience and … both keep your eyes on the prize,… retire as early as you both can together..

    Marriage is a partnership,… and a love affair.. keep that in mind..

    Don’t be to quick to quit..

  2. Why doesn’t he work? Is he on disability? Why is his child support so high if he doesn’t have any money?

  3. So, he’s suggesting you leave him and he loses his wife rather than him just getting a job?

    My husband would never sit back and watch me struggle.

  4. Of course not. Sonds like he’s in despair. You also sound a bit too dependant of what he says. If you think you love each other, you can work it out.

  5. Two things OP – one, he is projecting his feelings of inadequacy by not being a “provider” on to you. It sounds like what he really needs is reassurance that it’s not his status or wealth that matters to you.

    Two – he needs a kick in ass. He needs to hear you say “it’s okay if you get a job at McDonald’s or the grocery store while you look for something that will give you purpose. Some money coming in is better than no money coming in”. I’m probably gonna be unpopular- however from what you said it seems like in his mind, he left a job that kept him away from his family so that he could be closer to you and the kids, now though he is using that as an excuse. His time to play the “sacrifice” card has come and past. It’s time for a little tough love, open honest communication, and maybe some couples counseling as well. We (men) are usually pretty terrible at asking for reassurance (generally). Remind him that you fell in love with him for how he makes you feel not what he buys you – then tell him to get over his pride, that his most important titles are husband and father.

  6. There’s the whole “for better or for worse, for richer or poorer” etc thing to consider. I would personally be suspicious that there’s another reason behind the suggestion of divorce.

  7. So he doesn’t work or make any money. You make money. You getting divorced solves nothing. You’ll still be making the same amount of money. The only way his plan works is if you immediately get remarried to a man that makes more money that he does, which at this point is any man who works and has a job. Remarriage doesn’t just happen with the snap of a finger.

  8. In my opinion, it seems like you just want validation to leave since he suggested it. My opinion, of course….

  9. Since you asked “should I do what he suggested?” Then yes go ahead and do it, because you are not a partner

  10. He is crying inside as he wants to be the breadwinner he was before , if you divorce him he will as good as a deadman seeing you date and possibly marry another. Stick together and make it work no matter what !

  11. The fact that you have to ask us indicates that you’re thinking about it and there’s a bigger problem here. If my husband ever even thought of suggesting it I would knock that thought out of his mind so quick. It’s him and I forever regardless of financials or struggles. I’d struggle every day for the rest of my life if it meant I got to keep loving that man.

  12. He hasn’t worked in years?? I think this is just a pitty party for him. Like I guess you would be better off without me 😔😔😢😢😢 and wants you to validate him. Unless there is some health reason he isn’t working what a weird thing to say.

  13. I mean it sounds pretty bleak. At any point in your post you didn’t say that you love him, can’t imagine living without him, wish that he’d just man up and get back to work to save the relationship. Like it seems like you’re already in the mindset of leaving, which isn’t surprising as women typically lose attraction to their guy once they’re paying a majority of or all of the bills.

    Sounds like you’re looking for permission 🧐

  14. If you divorce now he will most likely get some type of spousal support from you. Perhaps that is his angle.

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