I feel like I have a PTSD from my childhood where I’ve gotten myself into many embarrassing moments and people laughed at me and now I get anxious a lot at social events if not retract from them. How do i get over this ptsd because I cannot form relationships appropriately

  1. Own it. That’s just a part of who you are. For me, I know I’m weird, weird is my thing, it’s what I have, and that makes weird my style. Embrace it, laugh at yourself, if you’re in on the joke, it’s a lot harder to laugh at you, instead you force others to laugh with you. Easier said than done, but give it a try, you’ll see how different the reactions are from others when you make it obvious that you genuinely don’t care about their impression of you.

  2. Exposure and practice. Practice speaking to people in public, usually easy to start with employees in stores and such

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