My bf (cis, 32) broke up with me (ciswoman, 33) a little over two months ago after over 5.5 years of being together. The break up itself was pretty traumatic (at least for me; I imagine it was for him as well). He was my first everything at age 27; I was a late bloomer for a myriad of reasons (mostly, mental health issues in my formative years).

A few years into our relationship, I was diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction. Sex was painful for me (although not knowing any better, I thought pain was normal so didn’t tell him about it) and that, I think, contributed to low libido for me. When I finally realized that pain wasn’t normal after all and told him about it, he was really upset—both because he hadn’t noticed that I had been in pain, and that I was being dishonest and doing something that hurt me to please him. We started couples counseling about two months before the break up and while I was very invested in finding solutions, I think it was already too late for him. He also disclosed that he had developed feelings for a for a coworker , and in my opinion, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. They’re seeing each other now.

We agreed to try to be friends. He has told me that I am very important to him and he considers me to be family. He is very important to me as well. But I want to get back together as partners. I love him so much; he allowed me to be me, and I really believed we would spend our lives together, which is something we talked about. He is aware that I want to be with him again. He told me that there is virtually no chance of getting back together right now , and at the very least I’d have to resolve my pain and libido issues (and I started working on this while we were still in couples therapy together, although physical therapy and med changes are going to take time). He has told me to focus on getting better for me, not for him, and he doesn’t want to give me false hope or try to predict the future.

After going no contact for a month after the break up at the recommendation of our therapist, we’ve been talking pretty regularly and seeing each other . Everything is almost the same (except there’s obviously no affection, i.e. saying “I love you “, kissing hello and goodbye, which is its own form or torture). He calls/texts almost every day. I do want to keep him in my life regardless if we get back together or not , but I don’t know if I’m just hurting myself right now. It’s like all I want is to talk to and see him, but sometimes when I do, it feels like he is a million miles away, and I picture him with his new gf.

Any advice on how I should proceed here would be greatly appreciated ! Should I maintain contact right now or take more time apart if I hope to get back together with him?

TL;DR My long term bf broke up with me due to issues involving my pelvic floor dysfunction and low libido. I am trying to resolve these issues and want to get back together, but would like him to stay in my life even if we don’t. He wants to be friends and has a new gf. We’ve been in contact every day . Do I try to be friends and maintain contact with him right now or do I take time apart?

  1. Your boyfriend sounds extremely selfish, honestly.

    It’s understandable for him to feel upset over your health issue and not realizing that he was hurting you during sex. But making *you* out to be the bad guy because you didn’t realize that pain wasn’t normal during sex is really wild. Then he dumps you for another person and basically says “yeah, figure out the sex thing and maybe we can then get back together.”

    If he really loved you and wanted to be with you, he’d be by your side during your recovery journey. He wouldn’t dump you for the first crush he gets. He’s keeping you on the hook for attention. He realizes that you have feelings for him and it makes him feel good. I’m sure his new girlfriend would not be cool with the things he’s said to you if she knew.

    I think you need to take a step back and really analyze how this guy is treating you. I know you love him, but I think that’s clouding your judgement. But also – yes. You need to take like a six month break at least from talking to him.

  2. > I don’t know if I’m just hurting myself right now

    You are.

    There are SO many men in the world who won’t hold you accountable for your own medical problems. What’s so great about this guy?

  3. I don’t think 1 month no contact is long enough. 6 months is probably more likely to be fruitful, provided you spend that 6 months on pursuing your own goals and seeing other people. I suspect once you start meeting new people your views and feelings about him might change.

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