[original post](https://reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/DqJIzmL8Je)

So my ex contacted 19f yesterday, when I told him I would not be “entertaining his tantrum anymore” after he contacted me through *another* account. 19f and I spoke at length about the issue and have decided to press charges. (I really appreciate all the guidance I got for this and the backup. I think seeing how scared she was now that he had contacted her really put the fire under my ass too.)

I also have some great news as since my boss has been harassing me I began applying to other jobs and I one got back to me the day I wrote the first post (and it’s for a significantly higher paying position at another company). So fingers crossed that the issue with my boss will be a non-issue soon. If not I will be taking all of your suggestions into consideration. I have also put my socials on the highest privacy as of this morning.

I did check in with her (19f) because I did want to ask her and make sure she never felt like I ‘influenced’ that decision about ending the pregnancy for her and she said. ‘I just gave her perspective…And the only think she’s felt since the procedure is relief.’ (Paraphrased) But that good enough for me.

I don’t mind the idea of being a ‘villain’ or a ‘betch’, so long as it’s aimed in the right direction. Ei. I don’t mind being my ex’s, but I didn’t want to be that negative force in *her* life, you know? She’s really is a great girl and she deserves the happiness she seems to have found.

I just want to thank everyone that commented, I really needed to hear this. I feel like I new what I did was right, but when your in the thick of it, and loosing friends… and being harassed about your choices, it really makes you question things.

I’ve set up another much needing appointment with my therapist too.

Thank you everyone for helping me. Wishing you all the best too.

*I don’t know if there will be another update since I don’t know about the laws when your pressing charges etc.*

  1. I appreciate you helping out that girl like that, y’all 2 don’t deserve this. God bless you 2 if y’all are religious

  2. you’re amazing, this young woman is lucky to have you. i hope you both experience nothing but happiness from here on out

  3. Keep all the evidence against your boss just in case. And of course document the harassment.

    Thanks for being a great person OP, bless you.

  4. Now that is love!

    Good for you for taking in a young woman abused by your husband.

    I am friends with my wife’s AP he thought she was divorced and heartbroken when he learned the truth.

  5. If your boss has a superior and you have a decent relationship with them…and you don’t suspect they share your boss’s opinions, I’d consider telling them the truth if they ask why you quit. Either way, I’m so glad for you and wish you and 19f all the best!

  6. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you! Thank you for being so kind to someone in need. Truly you did the right thing

  7. Whatever ex’s faults, it sure seems like he can pick nice women. I’m very glad you’re there for each other in the aftermath!

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