How often does your partner get mad or upset with you and what are the effects?

  1. Almost never. When it happens, we’ll usually sit on the porch, have some beer, and sort it out.

  2. Never.

    That’s one of the things I love the most about my partner.

    Been in a severely abusive relationship with a very angry man, and so an even-temper person who can keep his cool, is all I want.

  3. She doesn’t really get upset anymore, if there’s an issue she says “Hey can we talk” and we hash it out calmly.

  4. If your partner is *regularly* getting mad or upset *at* you then one or the other of you is a problem. In a healthy relationship, most of the time you and your partner should be able to frame problems and upsetting circumstances as you two against the problem, not one against the other.

  5. Has never happened. There have been extremely rare occasions where some thing I said or did hurt her feelings. And we have a conversation about that and move on.

  6. Not often in any relationship I’ve had.

    If I’ve messed up, I apologise. If I haven’t messed up, we have an argument. Probably would’ve capitulated in my 20s, but not in my 30s to now.

    If I’ve messed up and I properly apologise and she still insists on sticking the boot in, we have an argument.

    To be honest, I’ve rarely messed up and any time we have a falling out we can square it if she’s reasonable (I’m talking from experience with various partners here over time, not just one.)

  7. We started dating a year and a half ago. She moved in with myself and my son after a month of dating.

    We have never been in an argument, nor have we been mad at each other. We have disagreed on occasion, but w quick conversation usually clears it up

  8. Me and my fiancé have been together for two years and we’ve yet to have a single argument. We haven’t even been close to an argument.

    There’s a horrible myth going around that it’s healthy to argue. It is not – an argument is when two people are both trying to use aggression to force the other one to comply.

    There’s no healthy version of that.

  9. Maybe once a year. I get the silent treatment for a couple of hours and then we sit down and sort it out. If it was my fault I apologise – she does the same – but it is usually just some stupid petty unimportant shit that life is too short to bother about. My Grandad tole me never to go to sleep on a fight and it was good advice. 25th anniversary was last January.

  10. I think she does get mad and upset at times, but she doesn’t hold much against me in the long term.

  11. Just about weekly. Today is day 2 of her not speaking to me and I’m not sure why. We went for a run together yesterday and everything was fine and when we got back she was no longer speaking to me.

    She deals with a lot of past trauma so unfortunately it’s not uncommon that something triggers her and she shuts down.

  12. We’re so in tune with one another, that we can sniff out most of the arguments before they happen. When we ever do argue, which is every once and again, it’s not malicious. We never use it belittle or harm each other. Arguing every now and again is good in a relationship, because it shows you still care. If you argue all the time, then yeah that’s not healthy.

  13. We have a fight about once a month. We usually get over it the same day. Once or twice a year, we have a big fight that requires a couple of days of intense conversations to get over the hump.

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