Pretty decent looking guy works out in the gym for five days a week for decades. Just an average guy nice guy over 50 with a decent build. People tell me I look like I’m a cop or military. Which I am a veteran by the way.

I have lived in over 10 states, and even more cities all around the country. Being originally from New England, I was shocked when I lived in the plains states such as Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 100% of the women I dated in those three states cheated on me. And couldn’t care less that they did.

I haven’t spent too much time in states like Indianapolis/Ohio/PA/Illinois, and the Midwest I’m general. And I have also lived in the Pacific Northwest, which is my favorite area. I didn’t have a whole lot of luck dating there, and I didn’t find the women to be the cheating type.

What is it with the plains states? Is it something to do with the predominantly Scandinavian culture as to why women cheat so much in those states? I never understood why women complain so much about men wanting one nighters on their dating profiles on Internet dating sites, but they never seem to give any of the good guys or the nice guys any attention. Hence my reasoning for thinking that women are actually about 100 times more visual than men. But in America, it’s not politically correct to say such things. So, in my opinion, I find women to cheat much more and way more than men cheat. At least that was my experience in the 4 plains states that I lived at for a while. Forget the Appalachian states, the women there are about 98% super obese.

So Lashley, why do women cheat so much in America? Especially in the plains states. Thx

  1. so sorry you’ve been cheated on, but i don’t think you’re the “nice guy” you think you are…not saying you deserve to be cheated on, nobody does, but the way you talk about women is a little scary…

  2. dude get a grip it’s ain’t “plain states” or “east coast” or “west coast”

    95% or women you date cheat on you?.. you are selecting these women to be in your life.

    stop selecting women to date who are highly likely to cheat on you.

    Here’s a tip, quality women ACT and DATE like quality people. (I know weird right?)

    For example:

    * Women who bang on 1st date likely have done it before… which means that they bang men more easily… get it?
    * Women who talk about crazy exes… likely made the exes crazy, and indicate the LIKE crazy in their lives
    * Women who are on apps that facilitate hookups… likely are hooking up with a lot of dudes.. get it?

    I could go on and on dopender but the point is that a quality woman ACTS like a quality woman. If you bang a girl quickly she can quickly bang another. right? Slow you roll, start actually dating/courting women you wish to date. I think you will find women who slowly escalate to intimacy are not in that 95% past.

  3. sounds about right, most woman hardly have the guts to leave, they have to stick onto you like a parasite before they throw you aside once they find a shiner new toy like a damn psychopathy would.

    thank god something went wrong with my brain making me into an aromantic.

  4. First of all we don’t give a shit if you’re a veteran or where you live. Second, behaviors drive behaviors. If you treated the relationship like in the military that will fail unless they knew that well and supported that type of psychology which most women would not (can’t blame them either). And I would hedge that you did. Especially with the total generalization of women.

    Let’s see you back that data up chief so we can determine it the research backs it up.

  5. They all cheat. All of them.
    It makes no difference who they are. They are always goingvto lie and act innocent then do exactly what they dont want you to do. That is what i noticed.

  6. Maybe you should think about the women you choose to date vs just making a blanket statement that “women cheat more”.

    This post is so ridiculous.

  7. You sound kind of shallow tbh, maybe you date for the wrong reasons.
    Being cheated on is never justified, I think you just kinda pick the low hanging fruit. Maybe you need to figure yourself out a little more amd go for women who compliment you.

    For me personally, I’ve been cheated on in all but 1 relationship since I was 18. I’m 28 now, I’ve spent years soul searching and finding inner peace. I just recently got cheated on again by my Fiancee. It’s a process of growth, the last two I’ve dated where narcissists. As awful as those relationships hurt they taught me alot about myself. I know what to look out for now, I know who I am a little better than I was before. I have shifted my mentality towards dating, I want a friend not a fwb a legit friend. Someone to emotionally connect with and a relationship that develops organically. Sounds kinda cheesy but I’m a very genuine person (not a bad looking guy from what I have been told either) but in the dating world people pretend to be something they are not most of the time. If you’re just friends with someone first you get to know the real them a little better than if you date. My end game is true honest genuine love and someone to grow with, laugh with and share life with. Sex, dating etc can kinda muddy the waters if you’re trying to be genuine.

  8. I can’t get past the fact that you seem like a real seether of a jerk enough to even emphasize with you.

  9. You don’t date men (presumably) so you can’t really say women are more visual or cheat more. Only research can and it says the opposite…

  10. I believe people victim blaming the OP here are wrong. Sure he is the common denominator, but so is also dating culture, which promotes women cheating.

    He could of course be ignoring obvious red flags, but I don’t know OP nor his women. And men don’t have much choice in dating, we just get rejected a lot until something goes right.

  11. 70% of the women in America are the ones who initiate divorce!! Lmao. There you go folks. That’s all folks! Have a good life.

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