Looking for a new hobby or side gig to stay busy. Bonus if it possibly makes a couple extra bucks on the side.

  1. Self Improvement never hurts. Whether that is the gym or teaching yourself something new.

    If you find a good side gig for making the dollars, let me know. side note, you can save a lot of money buy cooking for yourself. If you have free time you really should not need to eat takeout other than a “treat yo self” moment.

  2. Want a side hustle? go to every dealership in town and work up a deal with the service centers to buy their parts off of them. They have to throw them away if not. Once you do that, open an eBay and start selling the parts.

    Some dealerships only handle trash, but you will find those dealerships that hand you gold like headlights. I have one dealership sell me headlights for 50 bucks a piece that go on eBay for 2-3 grand. and they sell like hotcakes. If I get 5 headlights, they are all gone by the end of the month.

  3. i play badminton with a social group. a couple organises everything including booking the courts. they charge $12 for 2 hours with average 14 or max 21 people.

    its been fun, get to play, exercise and meet new people.

    i reckon the couple makes $50-$100 per sesh depending on participants and they are financially motivated to encourage people to play so you always get a good turnout. they do it 6 times a week with a chat group of 40+ people

  4. Go to dive bars to shoot pool, brew beer at home, watch TV, work on my truck, go to the gym… just basic single guy hobbies

  5. Been playing a lot of guitar. It’s something to potentially monetise for a few ££ like giving lessons.

  6. I dove into 3D Printing a few years back and ended up turning it into a business. Now I have to find a new hobby.

  7. Considering I don’t have a car and none of my friends are close by, I mostly just stay home, watching videos about stuff I’m interested in and trying to enjoy playing games. Not the answer you’re looking for but eh, just wanted to be honest. I’m trying to do morning walks too but they’re only like 10 minutes which feels pretty pathetic

  8. I play lots of video games, watch sports, watch tv, workout, dabble in producing music, play online poker, go for walks.

  9. So many things, not enough time.

    Films, videogames, more guitaring, listening to music, watching old boxing matches, learning stuff. The concept of it being stuff that “keeps me busy” doesn’t track for me, it’s stuff that I love to engage it but there will never be enough time on this earth for me to experience it all. Heck you could probably slow my life to 1/8th speed and I wouldn’t get through it all.

  10. I used to meditate on the meaning of life.

    I maxed out my wisdom, so next I get a lot of free time, I’ll just play Skyrim or somethihg.

  11. I generally have nothing to do from 1 pm.

    I live off passive income and I do things for my self from 6 am whether gym, surf, run, bike ride,a little fishing , therapy, dr appointments, shopping, walking the dog, yoga and gardening.

    Then I am super bored. I use reddit a lot. Listen to music. On weekends I do bush walks. I just got a fishing kayak but have barely used it but will start soon. I have it chained to a tree by the harbour so I have no excuses.

    I have very few friends and certainly no social group that I am part of so I just keep being me and doing what I like.

    I was dating a lot but have stopped that as I can’t be fucked tbh.

    I go to bed super early as well. Last night was way way way early at 7 pm but I was wrecked. Normally sleeping by 9 pm and up at 3-4 am to have coffee and sit and contemplate the world.

  12. I get made fun of a bit for this since I’m early-middle aged, but metal detecting is so much fun. It does help to be interested in the outdoors and in history, though.

  13. Try to take care of errands or do stuff around the house. If I’m all caught up I appreciate a good nap.

  14. I teach an hour long group exercise class at the gym after work twice a week. It’s good for a few grand a year and I get a free membership. The training was like $250 over a weekend. I meet a lot of people this way too.

  15. Working out, playing volleyball, doing yardwork, walking the dog, cleaning the house, learning new skills, cooking delicious food, if I still have time after all that I play videogames.

  16. Lots of non-fiction book study (basically not just read but take notes and stuff), write some non-fiction stuff (would love to get to a point where I can get readers), crosswords, walking/jogging, used to ride a bike for long distances until I had a knee injury. Probably would hit gym lots too if I could swing that financially. Been offloading a lot of excess stuff on ebay. Hang on reddit and youtube and read and listen to stuff (respectively).

    The ironic thing is my regular TV/movie/fiction book time is almost zero, which I’m finding is a good thing. Always better if you can eliminate things that don’t end up in you being better in some way for doing it.

  17. Hiking, video games, gym, etc

    The possibilities are endless. Just make time and if you can’t, plan in it advance because it’s important to distract the mind from the 9-5 routine

  18. Make sure I don’t have time. Work full time and working towards a BS in engineering full time.

  19. Don’t have a ton of free time always but my job has busy months and less busy months. I’m up to about 4 days of lifting per week. Tried 5 but joints start to bother. Cycle probably 20-30 leisurely miles per week. Put app timers on your phone or computer and when they run out be done with it for the day.

  20. Ride my bike.

    Watch one (1) movie that I’ve missed. I can’t watch more than 1 every few days or it feels like I’m unproductive. But I did get to see The Batman recently.

    Grocery shopping very slowly & without a list. Takes some time and is fun and gives me time to work through problems.

    During season I go to as many hockey games as possible. I don’t drink at the games so it’s not a party, it’s more of a social event with live entertainment for me.

  21. I get Two hours on weekdays and 3-4 on weekends. I play destiny, I’m thinking about teaching myself video editing and stsrting a YouTube channel for reviewing cheap games.

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