It’s finally starting to get cold and I am so grateful I can wear sweaters again. ☺️

  1. I used to run hot, then I lost a bunch of weight and now I run cold.

    Used to be, I’d keep my house around 65 degrees (18 Celsius). Now I’m most comfortable in the 72-74 range.

  2. I’ve got a pretty wide-ranging comfort zone. I’ve had several neighbors find me shoveling snow in my T-shirt and shorts and ask me if I was okay.

  3. I’m always warm. When I lived in snow country you could find me wearing sandals and shorts in the middle of winter, as long as it wasn’t too too cold. I’m told it’s pronounced when I’m sleeping, as well, and am a pretty good bedwarmer. Basically just a blanket and I’m fine through the winter.

  4. I’ve always ran hot. Especially in the winter, I’d sweat so much from my winter coat it was so sweaty and I was always embarrassed by how much I sweated. I am most comfortable with it being a bit cooler. You can always add layers, you can not always take off those layers.

  5. My wife calls me the “Human Torch”. I have a really wide range of temperatures I can deal with before my brain goes “Man, weather sucks”

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