Me: 26 year old, career, agnostic
Girl : 23 years old, grad school, Christian

Been seeing this girl on the weekends and texting each other almost daily. None of that waiting hours to text bull crap people do. She was genuinely interested in me and so was I. After 3 dates, we end up talking and she tells me that she doesn’t see us being in a serious relationship because she’s religious and I’m not and because we are different stages in our lives.

I’ve heard this before and I cut to the chase and tell her we can just be friends if she wants. She says she doesn’t want to be friends, she wants to be more than that but not be in a serious relationship? I’m confused. She’s religious and doesn’t believe in premarital sex, so friends with benefits doesn’t add up. We ended up agreeing to let things flow and we kissed for the first time that night.

As I’m going home, I feel sick to my stomach. I feel like she’s softly rejecting me. I mean, if I like a person I will overlook our differences and be with her because I like her as a person. So I text her how I feel and she kind of shuts herself down. Days pass and we text each other like nothing happened.

I genuinely enjoy spending time with her and I’m afraid my feelings have gotten the best of me. It’s day 3 and I can’t stop thinking about her.

Should I move on or continue playing whatever this is?

1 comment
  1. I think she likes you but is caught up in guilt because of her religion. I personally think she needs to work through that before being in a relationship but if you want to see what happens you can, just try not to get attached early.

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