I’ve been really struggling with interviews lately. I’ve been to more than ten of them and haven’t landed a single job. My main goal is to snag an internship in Data Science, but it’s been tough even getting basic part-time gigs. I’ve started to think that maybe I’ve got some serious anxiety issues.

During interviews, I often feel like I’m not good enough, and I end up hiding my true self and faking it. Sometimes, I even blurt out nonsense during interviews. This problem isn’t limited to job interviews; I’ve had similar issues with immigration interviews and giving presentations in front of people, where I sometimes get the jitters.

I’m honestly not sure how to get past this. I know I might come off as an underwhelming candidate to interviewers, but I do believe in my abilities. I’ve got an above-average IQ, and when I work on my own, I tend to come up with more creative ideas than my colleagues, and I strive for perfection in everything I do.

I’d really appreciate it if fellow Redditors could share some advice on how to deal with this tough situation.

1 comment
  1. I can tell you one thing you are doing wrong right off. One thing we use in interviews to put pressure on people to tell us things they would not normally do is sit quietly for a few minutes and pretend to be writing something. When someone is interviewing and does that they are most likely drawing or playing tic tac toe with themselves. The idea is that it makes people nervous, and they get diarrhea of the mouth and tell you things they wouldn’t tell their priest in a confessional. When they do just sit there and look back at them and think of something that makes you feel good and puts a genuine smile on your face. The other thing is when they ask you about your worst trait have something that you put forward as bad but is actually good. Never actually give them anything bad. Something like. I get too involved in what I am doing and get on a roll and forget to go home on time. I end up getting a lot more work done than others and they get mad at me.

    Another very important thing is make sure you are answering the right question. Don’t listen to part of it and assume you know what the rest is. Rephrase the question in your own words and make sure that is what they are asking. If I understand your question correctly you want to know what makes me such a super handsome guy that the women all love me! Well my mom taught me to be the kind of guy she could never find.

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