We were together for a year and a half, no breaks. He has a good heart and can be very sweet at times, which is what I clung to for so long. But 90% of the time he was the most disrespectful, sloppy, inconsiderate, pathological liar I have ever met.

Since September he has been cheating on me. Sexting so many different girls on different platforms I lost count. He hasn’t had a job in 3 months, makes me pay for everything while the second he gets money he uses it for drugs. He is manipulative and emotionally abusive. You all know the type.

Unless i’m convinced it’s a bad idea otherwise, I plan on putting all of his things outside and changing my locks. He’s not on the lease, and really has no proof of residency other than his mailing address being here. He has warrants out for his arrest so i’m not too worried about him calling the police. Should I do it? What would y’all do? I fucking hate him

PS I am also logged into his Facebook and would love to make a cute little post letting people know he’s a piece of shit. But I can live without doing that. Lol I’ve been the bigger person for too long and I just want one big ole FUCK YOU. Any other suggestions?

tldr; basically, I want to kick my cheating boyfriend out of my apartment and don’t know if I will later regret doing that. Even tho he makes me sick.

  1. you already answered your problem yourself. You’re just worried that you’re gonna feel regret.

    Trust me. You’ll get over it. Especially if its a piece of trash like him that you’re sick of. Dump his ass out into the streets

  2. Fuck them, don’t waste an ounce of effort on them.
    Leave anything outside the door and cut that worthless piece of trash off of you.

  3. He doesn’t sound like much of a catch and, all things being normal in the world, he should not be in a relationship with anyone until he sorts himself out.

    I would advise against the post on Facebook as that could just make the situation worse and have him potentially become violent (not sure if he has history with this)

    The break up is about you realising you can do better and leaving him to focus on yourself and your future. Channel this change in a positive manner, and don’t let him bring out the worst in you, just because he is a bad person himself.

    A big lesson should be learned by you as well. Maybe you should pick better partners. A bad boy who is wanted by the police may make you feel a certain way but a “nicer guy” (read: not a dickhead) would typically be the better option for a long term partner

  4. I’ve kicked someone out before. Sounds like you’re ready! Only thing is, he sounds like he could be trouble, so maybe have some friends over for the first two or three days after you do it, in case he gets any dumb violent ideas. When I kicked out my Meth abusing ex he attacked me on the street, tried to choke me in broad daylight.

    If you want to be spiteful, you could delete or block a ton of his fb friends but actually just dumping his ass on the street might be enough. As a cherry on top you may also want to cut holes in his underwear or just plain old throw it all in the trash. You’re not responsible for his shit.

  5. Kick him to the curb, good for you. I’d skip the facebook thing. No need to make this more ugly than it has to be.

  6. Check your state laws on evictions. Technically if your names on the lease and he’s been there longer than 30 days you have to give him an eviction notice(at least here in va). Other than that, you can always tell him to leave and when he refuse call the cops maybe?

  7. Get rid of him. I promise you won’t regret, and in a year or so you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

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