For context I’m a 32 year old female in a long-term relationship with my 32 year old boyfriend.

I can’t get aroused enough to physically enjoy sex. An orgasm is out of the question but if I smoke some weed, I go from 0 to 100 in seconds. I get EXTREMELY horny and can orgasm over and over. I discovered this a few years ago and now I can’t enjoy sex at all unless I have some weed. My partner is extremely generous, an incredible lover and I am extremely attracted to him but nothing seems to turn me on unless I’m high. We always explore and try different things but still nothing does it for me. I also rarely masturbate but if I do, I need porn to stimulate me which I also don’t like relying on.

I’m very health conscious so I don’t like smoking weed and I definitely don’t want to be doing this long term.
I recently saw a sex therapist who thinks I might have ADHD and that is the reason why I can’t get aroused- my brain doesn’t allow me to relax enough to get turned on and the weed relaxes me and allows me to focus.

Has anyone experience this before? Are there any alternatives to weed that I can take to help with my libido?

  1. I cant help you with a real answer but until you find that, you could switch to weed edibles. This way you won’t damage your body as much as with smoking. They even say edibles don’t damage your body at all but I’m not sure i believe that. Either way, smoking WILL fuck up your lungs so perhaps you could give it a try until you find a solution for your libido.

  2. I have a similar experience with my boyfriend. I like having sex with him while I am high off of edibles and that has been the only time my body relaxes enough for an orgasm. I still enjoy having sex with him while I am not high but I feel this pressure of having an orgasm which makes it harder for me to have one.

  3. I had a partner with ADD who also found that THC allowed them to calm down enough to enjoy touching and become aroused. They started meditating and taking medication regularly and found that their libido while sober skyrocketed.

  4. I recommend foria which has a CBD oil. Not the same as THC obviously but has had great effects for my partner and I.

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