Men with no real friends and close relatives, how do spend your weekend?

  1. Enjoying solitude and realizing my actions that brought me to this spot and enjoying the every bit of it.

  2. Alone, on my computer, playing games. Or making sick beats on FL Studio, or making polystyrene dungeon tiles, or whatever else I feel like doing.

  3. Well, im married without children. So, usually doing something with my wife. On the weekends she works I do about 4 or 5 hours of housework, mow the yard, tidy up around the house. Maybe hit the gym. Then I spend the rest of my evening playing video games, reading, watching Netflix. Maybe go for a drive if its nice outside. And I am perfectly happy doing this. Zero friends beside my wife.

  4. Find activities to do. Do not stay at home or you may end up with a drinking habit…I did. I finally put the booze down and started exercising today. Girlfriends so proud of me.

  5. i have a few very close friends and my parents, but nobody lives in my city. my fiancee lives an hour away by train, my parents live 7 hours away by car, and the few people i consider myself truly close to all live even farther away, 10+ hours at least by car or train.

    on weekends i do laundry, go grocery shopping, clean my apartment, cook, walk around town, hang out in comic shops or thrift stores or the park, treat myself to some pizza or something, watch tv, read comic books, chat with friends and my parents on the phone (like actually talking, not just texting) and every few weeks i’ll catch a movie or a concert or a new exhibit at the local art musuem.

    i go visit my fiancee once or twice a month, or she comes to me, and i visit my parents once every 3-4 months, and they visit me once or twice a year. i also try to keep myself busy with stuff like a public speaking club (toastmasters), adult sports leagues, and art classes. i’ll actually be taking a crochet class this weekend!

    i’m a total introvert though, and it doesn’t really bother me to not have much a social life. my inner life is plenty vibrant and i’m generally a very content person. i have acquaintances from work and the various clubs and whatnot, and occasionally i’ll meet people for lunch or dinner, but i find those interactions drain my energy more than replenishing my energy.

  6. Sleeping, chainsmoking, wasting time until bedtime, extra shifts, and an occasional trip to the strip joint

  7. Meditation. Occasionally, a great bottle of wine and music I like.

  8. Work out, projects, etc.

    Just because you’re lonely doesn’t mean you can’t be the best version of yourself. Takes the mind off shit too.

  9. Whatever I want; putter around the house to fix stuff, clean up, chores, etc, play video games, watch movies, surf the Internet, just chill out … etc etc

  10. Gym, skiing, mt biking. I live in a rural area far away from friends and family where I grew up. It’s lonely but there’s lots of activities.

  11. Find some solo hobbies.

    I bought a few books recently so am powering through them now, making notes and taking food breaks to prolong them.

    I also occasionally go to a park to jog, and am picking up rollerblading and climbing (all of which are activities that don’t look weird when done on your own).

  12. Depends. Either home playing games with my cats or if it’s nice I might take a hike. Probably going to go see Dr. Strange this weekend… But I hate the looks they give you when you say you’re seeing it alone…

  13. Catching up on shows I didn’t watch during the week and videos online or watch a movie.

  14. Spend time with my dog. Joined a local tennis league. Go to the gym. Get ahead on work.

  15. I emigrated 10 years ago, I spend my weekends with my wife, my son and my dog. No family drama, no stress. It’s perfect

  16. Rub my shit out 3x a day play call of duty order take out and Bing on energy drinks

  17. I(37) have my daughter(2) every other weekend, so we’ll go to playgrounds and parks and grandparents. Other weeks a combination between oddjobs around the house and a bit of gaming.

  18. Gaming, movies, workout, a bit of music, sometimes writing stories…..

    That’s how i spend my weekend

  19. Besides working overtime?

    Beating off and trying not to kill myself

  20. I don’t have any real friends but do have a couple close relatives. Generally speaking I’m very introverted and usually don’t spend time with anyone unless they plan it or its a rare occasion.

    I’ll usually just game/watch movies, maybe go for a motorcycle ride, cook good food for one, work out etc the list goes on

  21. I try to keep busy.

    Smoke too much pot,

    I try to learn one new song words and music complete not just the first verse and the chorus every week.

    get reminded I’m a boomer on reddit a lot lately.

    started watching other people watch movies on youtube (why am I watching other people watch movies I’ve seen before?) and other people play games on twich.

    I spend too much time getting upset that I’m powerless to fix world politics and superstitions and how it would all be so much better if everybody just listened to me and did it my way.

    I marvel at my easy (shiver me timbers) access to every movie/tv show/game/song/book ever created and then I re-watch something from my childhood like I’m Wanda Maximoff caught in time loop of my own making but with no Agatha to blame for it all along. It was me, It was me, man oh man but I have to stop ruminating.

    I wish you hadn’t asked this question OP.

  22. Back then I was like u/HonorHeartHire, me and games.

    But now, I got a wife and kids but still I spent some of my time in games or even gardening.

  23. I have friends but Im a loner by choice. For the most part I just do stuff I enjoy like watching fun stuff, reading fun stuff, playing fun stuff, doing fun stuff, eating fun stuff

  24. Go to the gym. Eat, cook, sleep. Focus on my body and watch the results come in. I’ve gained 4.5kg in 4 months, and from the ladies’ feedback it’s definitely muscle.

    Great way to spend your time and gives you heaps of extra confidence. Also makes your testosterone boost through the fucking roof. That’s made me go out more, talk to women, and learn how to fuck properly. You’ll actually want to take your shirt off, especially for the reactions.

    When you start training, you get hungrier and have much more energy than to sit around depressed.

  25. When I began to build the habits that I have now, very few people in my life were happy for me. I didn’t even have anything yet!! Didn’t matter to them because they were okay with me doing well, just not any better than them. With people like that, it was easy to make more time for myself. I found that I was in better company.

    I have my parents, grandfather and the sweetest dog who love me. The rest can fall down a well.

  26. Waiting to die. Mostly.

    Sorry, I’m just in a really bad headspace right now, my divorce is nearing completion and it’s becoming more and more real that I will be alone for the rest of my days.

    I spend my days answering phones and solving problems. And I come home to no one to talk to and no one to help fix my problems.

  27. Hit the gym, make music in my studio, learn VFX and 3d software, gaming and giving music lessons

  28. Don’t have much freinds I used to and realized how fake everyone is when I went to prison and only a couple answered the phone. I stuck with my brothers who went through hell and back with me. But our of 3 of them that didn’t die or go to prison. 2 have families now. So we don’t see each other much.

    My other buddy I see a few times a week. I see my GF 4/5x a week. And I run my own business and pretty much work 24/7. Also get my daughter Friday-Sunday. So I keep plenty busy. And don’t need to be around a lot of people. More people I’m around the more drama and trouble it brings. Don’t need it in my life. I’m trying to get rich and provide a great life for my daughter and GF. Not go back to prison

  29. Honestly, I think a lot about suicide. At this point the loneliness and isolation are winning. Sorry to be grim, just being honest here.

  30. All of these comments are depressing. Guys, video games, alcohol and masturbation? Really? I sense a pattern of why you have no “real friends.” And can someone define that for me? Real friends? As in not imaginary? Or close?

    Here is a crazy thought, go out and try to make a friend. Colleague from work? Like cars; hit up a car show? Something? It’s no wonder our suicide rate is double women.

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