Very long story, but I was in hospital from something for some time that took me many months to get over, my friends left me and my family have always been the “Get over it” type, so I just deal with issues on my own most of the time just going “yeah whatever” and letting people walk over me as I hate conflict.

In conversations now I honestly don’t feel like I’m fun to talk to, I feel I’m the last guy most people speak to as I’m not interesting or the like and I hate it. Before what happened I used to be rather fun but after what happened I definitely feel a lot different, I feel like i’m a lot more serious and half the time when I’m with people I can’t make a joke or just come off awkward as hell and I hate it.

1 comment
  1. PTSD is gnarly and it sounds like you are hurting. I would encourage you to find a therapist that you’re comfortable with and process what happened to you. Try not to beat yourself up anymore too, you are doing your best right now.

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